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[–]SubliminalCriminal[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

if i told you that you can make money playing russian roulette, would you like to play?

probably not, huh? cuz you know that you are going to lose eventually..

with russian roulette, you put one bullet into a six shooter revolver and you spin the cylinder and then point the gun at your head and pull the trigger..

you have a one out of six chance of dying, five chances out of six to win..

with the stock market you have a much longer life expectancy, but the outcome is the exact same as with russian roulette.

in the end, you will die financially with the stock market, when the market crashes, and every company that sold you stock wins because they already have your cash.

facebook is laughing their asses off at you, cuz they have at least a hundred billion of your cash in their hands and all they have to do is to run a website and what did you get in return? a worthless digital stock certificate.

excuse me, it isnt worthless just yet, but it will be worthless, just wait and see.