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[–]jacques1102[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (10 children)

Why do you keep bringing up a short brief civil war in Germany in 1919 that literally lasted a few weeks and was shut down with casualties being very light?Secondly,only a few hundred total and most were communists. Jews didn't play any special role in either event although Rosa Luxemburg who was a leader of the communists was Jewish. She was murdered during the revolution by a far-right paramilitary. But yeah doesn't mean much.

You make it sound like it was this huge war like the Russian Revolution but it wasn't. Fighting was small-scale and happened mostly in a few big cities like Berlin and Munich. There was no "2 million strong army", there were only a few thousand communist militiamen and a few thousand right-wing paramilitaries plus police and army units.It also takes away Karl Liebknecht and Wilhelm Pieck who were arguably number 2 and 3 behind the revolution and neither was Jewish.And it was a lot of just the military not obeying orders anymore and the SPD leaning on the aristocracy to be more inclusive.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

You make it sound like it was this huge war like the Russian Revolution but it wasn't. Fighting was small-scale and happened mostly in a few big cities like Berlin and Munich.

It doesn't need to be. Overthrowing governments has been attempted numerous times with even just small militias.

Jews didn't play any special role in either event although Rosa Luxemburg who was a leader of the communists was Jewish.

Once again, they're a small population but they have disproportionate representation. A bit funny when that Hitler guy later took notice, we somehow never such imbalances in German society again...

[–]jacques1102[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

You do know all those great Nazi-reforms weren't in fact Nazi-reforms. They were policies thought up and enacted under the Weimar-regime, and the Nazi's continued them because they worked.If you're genuinely interested in the prewar German economy and what the Nazis did, read Adam Tooze's Wages of Destruction which goes into extensive detail on the Weimar reforms, what the Nazis did when they got into power, and how the Nazi war economy worked.(Hint,it needed to invade other countries in order to survive.)

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

You do know all those great Nazi-reforms weren't in fact Nazi-reforms. They were policies thought up and enacted under the Weimar-regime, and the Nazi's continued them because they worked.

If they enacted them before hand, then there clearly was a lack of enforcement or it was never taken serious enough. Weimar was host to degeneracy, especially with Berlin once being the gay capital of the world back then. It literally took a Hitler to clean all this up, while being opposed to any Globalists who hated that.

what the Nazis did when they got into power, and how the Nazi war economy worked.(Hint,it needed to invade other countries in order to survive.)

What Country did they invade in 1933? Or 1936 when they held the Olympics?

Germany at this point didn't even have any colonies like many of its adversaries, yet they still built their own infrastructure or designed their own planes. Self-reliance was never out of the question, although I don't deny that expansion would still help in the long run.

But that's true of any nation. For example, every nation wants oil and many wars have been fought over how it's controlled.

[–]jacques1102[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

He brought Germany out of depression by lending money through non existential companies which after revealed basically forced Germany to fight a war.

All he did was preparing for the war. His policies were neither long term profitable nor benifiting anybody.

He began discrimination against jews only in 1934. There were the first eyebrows raised.

He and his staff utilized misery to get their fucked up policies through with people applauding him.

Have you read "mein Kampf"?

1922 was not a pretty sight.

Even if for arguments sake he did recover the economy,this wouldn't be considered a great politician. He would still be considered a tyrant, who killed millions of people, unless starting a war with countries that had nothing to do with jews is some how ok to you?

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

His policies were neither long term profitable nor benifiting anybody.

It is an undeniable fact that humanity as a whole would have been uplifted had Germany won WW2.

-It was the Germans who first launched a rocket into outer space, paving the way for all future space flight. There's no doubt this type of research would have accelerated faster, that Humans would have settled on multiple planets by now...

-Mass liberation of colonies and support for independence groups. Hitler was more than ready to give the oppressed people living in Palestine, India and Vietnam their own self determination quicker rather than watch them be forced to fight under the Allies who only saw them as cannon fodder.

-On a similar wavelength, the biggest cancer known to Earth would have been destroyed: Globalism. Every nations controls their own bank system, and no one bows down to obviously corrupt organizations like the UN.

-Racism would unironically be eliminated. But that's because Germany would have set the example first, that governments highest priority is to ensure the survival of genes. No race mixing, no affirmative action, no George Floyd riots. None of this would exist because Humans would be properly educated on biology without censorship.

-Degeneracy and all other social illnesses would have also been wiped out. Germany encouraged the natural family unit, instead of watching kids grow up in broken households and go onto become drug dealers or confused homosexuals.

-Respect for the Earth. There's an argument the Nazis were environmentalists and would have steered humanity towards a clean vegetarian society.

I could go on and on but ultimately, we officially live in the worse timeline with an Allied victory. Neither Capitalism or Communism can fix just how broken the world is. Every country is doomed to turn into Neo-Brazil or Neo-South Africa, because the Elites from Left-Wing and Right-Wing factions no longer care about human survival. They are more than happy to mix us altogether so we live in slums, while they party atop Ivory Towers.

[–]jacques1102[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

"It is an undeniable fact that humanity as a whole would have been uplifted had Germany won WW2."
The claim that nazi germany had huge advantages in science is false.Big example is The Dachau Hypothermia Experiments Also you're delusional if you believe that we would be settling on multiple planets by nows if it weren't for those evil jews who should of took their genocide like a champ. "Mass liberation of colonies and support for independence groups." So you're admitting colonialism was bad and independence was good.Odd because i was told decolonizing was horrible for europeans and africans.

The rest of your post is basically"My life sucks so therefore i'll blame other people for why society is bad".You have nothing to really prove that the world would be better under a nazi victory.Even for arguments sake hitler did get rid of jews(whether through genocide or deportation)what makes you think we'd all be living in harmony?I'm sure places like France,eastern europe,etc would all of loved to be under nazi control and in no way would of revolted against them.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The claim that nazi germany had huge advantages in science is false.Big example is The Dachau Hypothermia Experiments

How does your link refute what I said about Germany making massive strives in the Space Race? Do you really believe Germany had no technological firsts/advantages whatsoever?

Maybe this might wake you up. The Germans beat the allies to having the 1st jet powered fighter aircraft. You think that's fake too?

Also you're delusional if you believe that we would be settling on multiple planets by nows if it weren't for those evil jews who should of took their genocide like a champ.

In our current timeline, we've seen world governments waste trillions of dollars on projects or endeavors that go nowhere. Stuff like, the 2003 incursion in Iraq and babysitting the Middle East, the money pumped into welfare programs and affirmative action, corruption scandals in politics. with no accountability. The list goes on.

Basically, it's up to you to convince me how after 1945, the world is somehow more responsible and actually has the best interest of humanity at stake. I'd really like to hear that argument...

Even for arguments sake hitler did get rid of jews(whether through genocide or deportation)what makes you think we'd all be living in harmony? I'm sure places like France,eastern europe,etc would all of loved to be under nazi control and in no way would of revolted against them.

They would get use to it. Especially when they look around and see their neighbor pick up groceries in their flying car, or marvel at how clean the streets are because they're not being flooded with 3rd world immigrants.

By the way, it's funny you bring up Eastern Europe. Life under the Soviet Union and its satellite states was already shit. Eastern Europeans would have been sparred future horrors like Chernobyl or not having to get in line for bread.

[–]jacques1102[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

How is the Messerschmitt (a weapon designed for war) proof that germany was far advanced into the space race?The Nazis investigated rocketry for warfare, and were far off from achieving anything like an ICBM or the Saturn V rocket. This is like saying that we can thank Jenner for the Polio vaccine (though I realize this is also a bit of a stretch in demonstrating that comment's logical failure).
As for your second part,i never said the world was perfect by any means obviously.However,this is another case of"This world is shit so obviously a nazi victory would be so much better".How about you prove that the world would of been better under a nazi victory? As for your last part,nothing more then delusional fantasy with no bases to back it up.BTW i never said life under the soviets was good for eastern europe but look at countries like poland that hate BOTH ideologies and tell me that they would of been fine being under nazi control when the nazi raped and murdered millions of eastern europeans.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How is the Messerschmitt (a weapon designed for war) proof that germany was far advanced into the space race?The Nazis investigated rocketry for warfare, and were far off from achieving anything like an ICBM or the Saturn V rocket.

Wow, you're intentionally being obtuse. "A weapon designed for war" Plenty of civilian inventions were passed down from the military. That's kinda how progress works, you know? Especially when one of them receives a massive budget being funded by the state.

I also didn't say the ME 262 was a space invention. I said it was proof Germany had more advance technology (which you denied).

How about you prove that the world would of been better under a nazi victory?

The Germans would never have passed liberal policies that changed how the world was after 1945. One immediate example: how manufacturing was outsourced to China and was used to kill off jobs at home.

The philosophy of National Socialism would never have promote such behavior, as well as Hitler's ally (Japan) would have also had a huge influence in the area.

BTW i never said life under the soviets was good for eastern europe but look at countries like poland that hate BOTH ideologies and tell me that they would of been fine being under nazi control when the nazi raped and murdered millions of eastern europeans.

Like I said, they would have assimilated easily. Look at the United Kingdom as an example. They're technically 4 separate countries and one of them (Scotland) even had a history of going to war with England. Yet despite their constant threats of wanting to leave the union and even oppressive history, the average Scot and Brit are identical today.