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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) Rightly said, Zionism was, is, and will be highly impractical, it's doomed to fail. Indeed, they had no legitimate claim to Palestine, they obviously didn't procure the land for the purpose of living in it. Their goal* is to amass wealth, absorb territory, and eliminate the original inhabitants.

2) Good catch. They never had a state of their own, but they cause the collapse of all other states. "State within a state" is somewhat misleading, it's more about dominating others than refusing to assimilate and claiming privileges (Sanhedrin 39a). Also, their religious conception is purely physicalist, one has the impression that the concept of a Hereafter was systematically eliminated from their sects, combined with threats of rejection calculated to keep them on their destructive path. It's easy to see how the exclusive affirmation of physical reality necessarily leads to world expansion and the cultivation of temporal values (conquest, glory).

3) There were observations from the ancients that the Jews alone remember why they practice their rites and customs, whereas their victims have long forgotten it. These customs were conceived in direct opposition to the rest of the world. There were indications that the old hatred between Germans and Jews was dying out in the early 20th century, but the feud was renewed by Zionists and anti-Semites. Both factions mutually benefit from each other's existence. They're locked in a perpetual stalemate, neither able to overcome the other.

In Christian terms, this is the relation between angels and daemons, neither can bring about a decisive resolution to their conflict, without the participation of humans. What is needed to intervene in the struggle between Zionists and anti-Semites is a new type of man who embodies steadfastness as a virtue.

I think there was a view that the creation of Israel would temper some of Jews neurosis, hostility and subversive tendencies, but it only seems to have made them worse.

I'd make a study of how American and British ambassadors conducted their interviews with Hitler. It illustrates their naivety sufficiently. They believed they could regulate the distribution of jews in influential positions.

4) Obviously they intend to use them against the Arabic world during a world war, when America can no longer be relied on and Europe lies in ruins. They'd prefer to die out with the old order they've become accustomed to, rather than assume responsibility for the mischief they caused. This mentality also characterized the Americans (blaming everything that is wrong with the world on Soviets) and Soviets (refer to Hitler's Table Talk, September 25, 1941 entry).

*It's important to differentiate between the a) mentality, b) instinct, and c) passions that lies behind their world domination aims. Ultimately, the goal is world annihilation. Dietrich Eckart perfectly captured their mentality, at the end of his diatribe Bolshevism: From Moses to Lenin (attributed to Hitler) and in an article The Earth-Centered Jew Lacks a Soul published by Rosenberg (erroneously attributed to Rosenberg).

a) "He must wear down all the rest of mankind, he persuades himself, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. He has made himself believe that only he is capable of this great task." They have a predilection for self-deception, obsessed by delusions and unreal ideas, no sense of proportion on world affairs.

I assure you that this mentality is not exclusive to their race. I've undergone it myself. The more cognizant they become about their role and purpose, the more knowledge they're burdened with, the more appealing dragging the rest of the world down with them becomes.

Only jews like Ludwig Borne and Isaiah Berlin, who have arrived at the realization that they cannot achieve their desired liberation without helping to raise Aryans from their degrading social conditions, and that the jewish question isn't the only cause in the world, are in a position to develop self-sufficiency.

Otto Weininger was one of the few jews recognized by Hitler for his decency. Regarding Judaism, Weininger pointed out that it entails both a worldwide distribution and proliferation of jews, in the vague hopes of giving birth to a world conqueror. The explanation for jews wishing to return to their host nations after repeatedly suffering expulsions is a dormant yearning.

b) "His nature compels him to that goal, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself." Here, it may be added that the worship of the intellect signals the decline of a state.

c) "This realization of the unconditional dependence of his own existence upon that of his victims appears to me to be the main cause for his hatred." There's nothing more shameful than a stunted growth.

I was obliged by circumstances to drop out of high school and give up on a graduation. As a result, I spent over a decade in confined to my household, in near total isolation from society. I get by partly by relying on parents and partly through governmental aid. And as an intellectual, it's impossible for me to identify with the bourgeois masses.

Btw I sent you a DM asking about Hitler. I'd like to hear your thoughts on him and his impact on the Aryan people.