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[–]fukit 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (10 children)

I dont want a conflict in the Ukraine, but this was caused by the neocons/neoliberals aggressive behavior towards Russia, which involved the Ukraine. They were playing games with Ukraine to intentionally antagonize Russia and Putin, and people predicted this would happen when they installed their boy Zelinksy, who came out of nowhere to magically win the election despite having zero political experience. Jewish money and power put him in office.

Who do you think is so obsessed with Russia and Putin? Who never stfu about Russia the entire time Trump was in office? They dont like Putin because they dont control him and he's become a symbol of resistence to Jewish global hegemony, and a symbol of nationalism. Sure some of them will butter up to him and back him just like some of them did with Trump, and Putin will accept their support. They always try to control opposition when their preferred choice is rejected, but they dont control him and it drives them fucking mad, to the point they are willing to start a new cold war to get rid of him.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

Putin is controlled.

He's like Bolsonaro, where he's a right-wing nationalist, but still very kosher.

Both left and right-wing Jews will fight amongst each other on which agenda is better, but as long as it's goys who die in the crossover, they don't mind.

This is further evident by Boomer Putin having so much nostalgia for the USSR and wanting to bring it back. Just look at the name of the two new countries he recognized in Ukraine and they have "People's" in the name. He can't be a symbol of resistance, when he's a puppet being used to directly aid it.

[–]fukit 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

This is further evident by Boomer Putin having so much nostalgia for the USSR and wanting to bring it back.

Assuming this is true, why would that signify he's controlled by Jews? Russians in general are nostalgic over the USSR to an extent. Once the Jewish bolsheviks were swept aside by Stalin the USSR became much more nationalistic. Putin is a Russian nationalist. You mentioned Russia's draconian laws about "holocaust denial", but here's a newsflash. The Nazis were seen by Russians as their bitter enemy, so why wouldnt they promote a narrative that demonizes their great enemy? Did you expect Russians to carry water for the Nazis and clear their good name? lol.

The idea that the situation in Ukraine is just two competing groups of Jews bickering is total nonsense. Jews pretty much exclusively side with Zelinsky and hate Putin, aside from a few Russian Jews for whom Putin has been someone that can do business with. Putin is defying and humiliating ZOG America. There's really no upside to that from the Jewish perspective.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Assuming this is true, why would that signify he's controlled by Jews? Russians in general are nostalgic over the USSR to an extent. Once the Jewish bolsheviks were swept aside by Stalin the USSR became much more nationalistic.

Stalin tolerated Jews. He even made antisemitism a crime, but did nothing about the Christian churches being blown up. Hmm, I'm sensing a pattern...

Putin is a Russian nationalist. You mentioned Russia's draconian laws about "holocaust denial", but here's a newsflash. The Nazis were seen by Russians as their bitter enemy, so why wouldnt they promote a narrative that demonizes their great enemy? Did you expect Russians to carry water for the Nazis and clear their good name? lol.

Uh, yes? The entire Western world also fought Hitler and yet I would not worship the Allies for beating him. It's the exact opposite. All the White Men who laid their lives at Normandy beach, came back home to a country now filled with third world muslims, trannies, feminism and rampant race mixing.

Similarly, the Soviets didn't actually give a fuck about the Russian people both before and after WW2 had been fought. They were happy to starve them to death, or kill them in science experiments gone wrong (cough, Chernobyl).

The idea that the situation in Ukraine is just two competing groups of Jews bickering is total nonsense. Jews pretty much exclusively side with Zelinsky and hate Putin, aside from a few Russian Jews for whom Putin has been someone that can do business with. Putin is defying and humiliating ZOG America. There's really no upside to that from the Jewish perspective.

Jews have always played both sides dude. Go read about the Nigerian Civil War and tell me which country supported both Nigeria and then switch sides to support Biafra? Or look up the Falklands Conflict and how Israel acted as a secret liaison for smuggling weapons into Argentina, even though the U.S had tried to ban anyone else from helping them.

Now this back and forth tension between Russia & Ukraine comes at a perfect time when the Canadian government just granted their Prime Minister the highest amount of power that's only reserved for absolute war time? The nature of Jews isn't to follow common sense, it's to continue to keep the goyim under their thumb at all costs. Both left and right-wing Jews just disagree on how to do it, but they both support the final message.

[–]fukit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Nothing you said in any way disputes what I said. The idea that Putin is a Jewish puppet is total nonsense, and Putin isnt the one who initiated this Ukraine crises, the Biden administration and the neocons that took over during the Trump presidency did.

Putin has repeatedly undermined Neocon/Israeli goals in the middle east and his government has openly mocked Jewish woke gas lighting in the west. Why would someone controlled by Jews do that in addition to repeatedly humiliating the crown jewel of Jewish global hegemony-the US?

Sure Jews try to play both sides, but there really isnt any upside to having a Russian nationalist like Putin in power, which is why their media never stops screeching about the Russians and bad boy Putin.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Sure Jews try to play both sides, but there really isnt any upside to having a Russian nationalist like Putin in power, which is why their media never stops screeching about the Russians and bad boy Putin.

I believe you answered your own question.

He's a boogeyman meant to rile up the Left and help the media sell more stories.

Trump served the exact same purpose in the U.S. I bet all those late night talk shows made an absolute killing selling "Drumpf" merchandise and the audience fell for it.

And being a nationalist is not really a high bar. Palestinians are nationalists, and so are many Blacks. But try and create a country that is meant to serve White interests only, and that's the litmus test for having the Jewish Cabal come after you. Putin quite frankly, has never crossed that line.

Only Hitler came close in the last 70 years and as you mentioned earlier, Russians are suppose to "despise" him despite the Nazis caring more about saving bloodlines than the Soviets did.

[–]fukit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Maybe you're right about Putin being the latest media boogeyman meant to distract people from Biden's poor performance and tanking job approval, but talk of Putin doesnt exactly rile up the left, aside from maybe Jew political donors, which is really who both parties care about more than anything, but that's just because Jews on both sides of the political spectrum hate Putin and have an ingrained fear/loathing of Russians that predates their fear/loathing of Germans.

Only Hitler came close in the last 70 years and as you mentioned earlier, Russians are suppose to "despise" him despite the Nazis caring more about saving bloodlines than the Soviets did.

Bloodlines? Wtf are you talking about. You say some of the weirdest shit sometimes, which is why people think your some kind of a troll/imposter, but whatever. The fact is the Russians lost like 20 million people fighting the Germans and have ww2 mythos and propaganda ingrained in them even harder than the US does.

Do I think Putin is some based savior of the West? Nah. I think the ZOG empire will eventually collapse due to their own incompetence, corruption, and inability to restrain their hatred of the European peoples they parasite off, but Putin is still a thorn in their side and routinely makes fools of them, wittingly or not. In these dark times that's still worth something.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe you're right about Putin being the latest media boogeyman meant to distract people from Biden's poor performance and tanking job approval, but talk of Putin doesnt exactly rile up the left, aside from maybe Jew political donors, which is really who both parties care about more than anything, but that's just because Jews on both sides of the political spectrum hate Putin and have an ingrained fear/loathing of Russians that predates their fear/loathing of Germans.

So why did the Left, especially people like Hillary Clinton, make constant accusations of Russia meddling in their elections, as well as claiming Trump was secretly a Russian agent?

Bloodlines? Wtf are you talking about. You say some of the weirdest shit sometimes, which is why people think your some kind of a troll/imposter, but whatever. The fact is the Russians lost like 20 million people fighting the Germans and have ww2 mythos and propaganda ingrained in them even harder than the US does.

You're still ignoring what both sides actually fought for. Hitler was trying to stop Jewish Bolshevism and defend Europe. The Soviets had already invaded other countries like Finland or the Baltics.

Whining about the death count is like saying Indians who fought for the British must somehow love them, even though when WW2 ended, the Indians demanded they get independence.

Do I think Putin is some based savior of the West? Nah. I think the ZOG empire will eventually collapse due to their own incompetence, corruption, and inability to restrain their hatred of the European peoples they parasite off, but Putin is still a thorn in their side and routinely makes fools of them, wittingly or not. In these dark times that's still worth something.

Everything Putin does lines up with their agenda. Never trust a Boomer to somehow outsmart the system, when it was their generation that was raised on TV and taught that skin color doesn't matter.

Just ask yourself: is Putin a White Nationalist? Why not, if he's suppose to be a "thorn"?

Racial nationalism means a lot more than Cuckservativism. If you can't conserve race, then everything else Putin does is supported by Jews.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Once the Jewish bolsheviks were swept aside by Stalin the USSR became much more nationalistic.

Worse take ever. The old Bolsheviks were swept aside but many Judeo-Bolsheviks came and went under Stalin.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


So based he got an award from the ADL!

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)