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[–]MarkimusNational Socialist[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Also I don't think anyone in our movement thinks 'leaderless' resistance is ideal.

They definitely do, I've seen people argue against 'movementarianism', I think this term is borrowed from James Mason or something, in favour of either small scale libertarian-style militias or unhinged fedposting stuff I won't even bother entertaining.

We don't oppose leaders we just lose them very quick or they end up being controlled op.

There's NJP and Patriot Front who are certainly genuine revolutionary nationalists. < get vetted for TRS pool parties, and NJP stuff.

Patriot Front website < join Patriot Front.

It's still resistance though and we don't really need to 'win' persay. We just need to force them into being more blatantly authoritarian. That makes the convoy a success. The convoy also brought more people to our cause. More people will gravitate as life becomes unbearable.

Weren't you saying that governments using covid as an excuse to take away rights of people was a bad thing? People have been saying the 'losing is winning' stuff for years too, how much job insecurity, housing insecurity, mental health issues, poverty, terrorist attacks, anti-white crimes etc is going to be enough?

I don't think we should be relying on negative events to wake people up, I think instead everyone who is already woken up needs to become irl activists. We had 20,000 monthly uniques on the reddit sub; let's say only 50% of them were US and /ourguys/. That's 10,000 guys, 200 guys in every state in the US. Our sub wasn't even close to being the entire alt right too, not even a few % points. Imagine if every guy who was /ourguy/ on our sub joined Patriot Front and TRS pool parties. There would already be a serious issue for the system with this injection of 10,000 dissidents. This would be capable of recruiting and educating people way more quickly and effectively than horrible escalations of dystopia too.