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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There are thousands of truckers occupying Parliament and making a show of solidarity against the government, and you think it doesn't matter? They are occupying Trudeaus seat of power, and he is in hiding. This is a political victory for Canadians, and its only the first day of the protest. Lets see what else happens before we pass judgment on this.

It doesn't matter because they have no real leverage. If the numbers are true, 90% of Truckers are vaccinated and still at work. The protestors can play sleepover in my Capital, but the rest of my country will just move on with out them.

The convoys are planning to stage a protest in Washington after they are finished at Ottowa. The truckers are hoping that they will be joined with Americans protestors at the Capitol. But thats a problem for another day.

And what will they have achieved? Absolutely nothing....

You need to take into account that the unemployment rate is higher in 2020 than it was in 2009. That shifts the numbers somewhat. Lots of boomers have been retiring, and many of the immigrants are jobless bums. Moreover, you don't even try to dispute the fact that the minimum wage was raised years ago.

Minimum wage did not catch up with inflation. $15 CAD today, is not worth the same as $10 CAD in 2010 (which was actually on par with the US Dollar). And even still, many jobs have also cut back on both benefits and wages. Gone were the days when working at a Car Factory could net you $30 an hour with full time benefits and a pension. Today? You're lucky to get $20/h working at the same plant.

What the hell is your problem? Why are you attacking the truckers over this shit? Responding to the BLM and Antifa riots of 2020 was the job of the police principally, and the people secondarily: But the police sided with the protestors and stopped the people from dealing with them. It was a no win situation, and it had nothing to do with the truckers anyway. Your criticism is bizarre and dishonest. The truckers are protesting the vaccine mandates now because it affects their ability to make a living.

That's not true. Kyle Rittenhouse showed the complete opposite. And I find it ironic you blame the mandates for Truckers not working, yet you do know BLM were also holding up highways and stopping cars from moving right?

But once again, the Truckers chose the dumbest battle. I do not care about their little sleepover at the Capital, I care more about demographic replacement.