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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

What we need to achieve is forcibly removing Black people out of White countries because they've failed to close the gap after 400 years.


Not to change the subject, but this is indeed impossible. For evidence of difficulties everyone would face, look to historical accounts of forced expulsions. These have been humanitarian crises. Moreover - assume you have a way to determing exactly who you consider 'black' and then a reliable means to expel them. What then? Look also at history texts for this. It would be civil war, and destroy the social fabric of the US. Other minorities would also be expelled. It's not like the racist thugs are going to expel one group and then leave the other groups alone, because of an IQ or SAT test. Many of these low-IQ thugs will want to remove other minorities. Consider the shadow costs of trying to reverse historical trends, even if it were possible (which it isn't).

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Dude. Not to change the subject, but this is indeed impossible. For evidence of difficulties everyone would face, look to historical accounts of forced expulsions. These have been humanitarian crises. Moreover - assume you have a way to determing exactly who you consider 'black' and then a reliable means to expel them. What then? Look also at history texts for this. It would be civil war, and destroy the social fabric of the US.

Malcolm X preached the exact same thing about mandatory separation up until his assassination in the 1960s. And before him, Marcus Garvey had paid for his own line of ships to ferry across descendants of slaves back to Africa. Neither men brought about civil war.

But more importantly, this procedure should actually be self voluntary. Once again, in your own words you claim that Blacks living next to Whites is impacting their intelligence. Any Black person can pack their bags and thus leave America themselves. Who is holding them back here? It can't be White people.

In fact, it's only non-whites who benefit from being around white people. White people have NOTHING to gain by being chained down next to blacks and other minorities. That's not how the race relations work.

Other minorities would also be expelled. It's not like the racist thugs are going to expel one group and then leave the other groups alone, because of an IQ or SAT test.

So what's the issue with these minorities returning to their own country? For example, Mexico quite obviously borders the U.S. What are Mexican Americans afraid of if they had go back home? Are they afraid of... other Mexicans? Sorry but that's not the White man's problem, especially since minorities complain that White people "oppress" them.

Consider the shadow costs of trying to reverse historical trends, even if it were possible (which it isn't).

America has wasted trillions of dollars on pointless wars and even spreading diversity itself. If every non-white person left the country, the expenses would pay for itself in just a day. Or look at last year's George Floyd riots? That was the most expensive riot in U.S history. America would never have to pay for such a thing if all blacks had left the country and never returned...

But oddly, you still haven't answered my question. Why are non-whites forcing themselves to live around Whites while complaining that the system oppresses them? Since when does it make sense to run and live next to your oppressor, instead of trying to get away from them?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The US is the home of blacks and other minorities. There is no other home. If you want to remove immigrants to the N. American area, you'd have to pick a date. Pick the 16th century for the removal of Europeans, perhaps. But which countries would accept these immigrants from the US?

Why are non-whites forcing themselves to live around Whites while complaining that the system oppresses them?

THis is not happening. Non-whites aren't forcing themselves to live around whites. This is the home of non-whites. Regarding the 'system', this could be one of several 'systems'. In any place, the majority can and has oppressed the minorities. This can be overcome, but the progress is slow in some parts of the US.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The US is the home of blacks and other minorities.

None of the founding fathers were black. The very first law passed by Congress said the USA was for whites only. The U.S continued to pass immigration laws up until the 1960s that focused primarily on European Whites only.

Without white people, the USA would not exist. Malcolm X at the very least, recognized this divide and would have supported seceding off a small state and establishing that as a new black country. I guess that's better than rounding up all Blacks and deporting them by force to Africa, which is what any country does when it wants to eject unwanted citizens...

But which countries would accept these immigrants from the US?

What do you mean "accept"? Didn't you hear that diversity is suppose to be a strength? Since Western countries are told all the time they must take in every single immigrant even when the native population is against it, perhaps it's time for third world countries in Africa to try it? What could they be afraid of? A million+ black Americans will bring them new food, or "enrich" their neighborhoods. They should be begging for the new arrivals to "boost" their economy, should they not?

THis is not happening. Non-whites aren't forcing themselves to live around whites.

So why did more than a million people from Central & South America sneak in through the USA via illegal immigration? America did not put a gun to their head and tell them to climb the fence over Texas. They literally broke the law and refuse to get away from white people when told to leave. And this happens every day, for the past 50 years....

In any place, the majority can and has oppressed the minorities. This can be overcome, but the progress is slow in some parts of the US.

It will never be overcome. Last year's George Floyd riots is proof that the more diversity in America, the more white people are targeted and have their entire neighborhoods attacked. And yet the same "oppressed" minorities refuse to leave White people alone and demand they get to live with them, even though White people can exist without them.

It's hypocrisy of the highest standard. The system itself was built by white people and only idiot immigrants who failed to fix their own countries seem to think they are entitled to it. They can always go back to where they came from

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The USA exists because of people with very different backgrounds, and would have existed in some form if the Europeans had not arrived. The US is not solely the product of "whites".

Regarding illegal immigrants, they should be returned home, with application forms and get in line like other immigrants.

The US is a "melting pot" of migrants, always has been. The history of human migration is as old as humans. Those people are home. You refer to problems of politics, class and racism. The color of skin is a distraction from those more serious issues.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The USA exists because of people with very different backgrounds, and would have existed in some form if the Europeans had not arrived. The US is not solely the product of "whites".

Jamaica, Haiti, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba are all countries founded in the Americas, but none of their futures or outcomes match the U.S. When you look at the racial compositions of each, they all had "diverse" or majority non-white origins. And as a result, they all lack prosperity, wealth and safety that only a majority European society and its institutions can provide.

Regarding illegal immigrants, they should be returned home, with application forms and get in line like other immigrants.

And what do you think is going to happen when they decide to skip the line again because there is no current punishment harsh enough to deter them? The problem goes back to the fact they seem more desperate to live next to white people instead of fixing their cultures at home. In which case, even "legal" immigration is a mistake.

The US is a "melting pot" of migrants, always has been. The history of human migration is as old as humans. Those people are home.

A melting pot of majority European people. Yes. But not a melting pot of black, brown and Asian immigrants. Those numbers were always kept low or even outright banned throughout U.S history for the very same reason why Japan is strict with their borders. A racially homogenous society is more prosperous and successful than a heavily mixed "diverse" one.

You refer to problems of politics, class and racism. The color of skin is a distraction from those more serious issues.

Skin color is literally more important than all 3. In fact, you can't have politics & class, while pushing "racial equality" at the same time. Biological differences makes it impossible for Blacks, Whites & Asians to perform the exact same in school, or make the same money doing in demand jobs. Brazil is proof that mixing everyone together creates far more unequal incomes, then if the country had stayed as a majority white Portuguese colony instead.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know this is a double post but there's something I forgot to mention

The US is the home of blacks and other minorities.

The U.S was founded by European settlers who had to tame the land, establish a government system and defeat rival tribes so they could stake a claim to the continent. Black Americans are the descendants of Africans who fought wars amongst each other and enslaved the losing tribes that eventually got sold off to European traders who wanted cheap labor. When they were brought to the USA, they were never seen as citizens or equals to the people who were busy creating democracy or two story buildings. For most of their existence, they were human versions of farm equipment who helped picked cotton or perhaps cut down trees. But Black slaves were never once responsible for overseeing the future of the USA.

When slavery ended, the original plan was not to keep the slaves. It was Lincoln's goal to send them back to their real home back in Africa. And given he had just won a Civil War, the slaves were in no position to challenge this. It was only after he was assassinated did these plans change, and America's future was doomed to racial warfare that we see to this day...