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[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm increasingly convinced that we made a bad turn rejecting the Greco-Roman religion for Christianity.

Did we, though? Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD by Theodosius. It thus became the official religion for all the tribes of Europe that were united under Roman rule. Italia, Grecia, Dacia, Hispania, Gaul, and Britannia all adopted Christianity. Only Germania and Scandinavia remained under their Pagan religions, and even they eventually adopted Christianity after the fall of the Roman empire. This was the religion that united Europe together during the dark ages, when it faced an existential threat from the Islamic caliphate, and repeated barbarian invasions. If Christianity was a weak religion, Europe would not have been able to overcome these challenges.

Christianity is the religion that shifted us from a power-based morality to a weakness-based morality, and the moral discourse has been left poisoned since then.

Contrarywise, we must ask what the repercussions were from the Wests rejection of Christianity. The people may have gained freedom to act however they wanted, but this came with an enormous societal cost. Moral relativism became the new belief system, basically, people could do whatever they wanted without regard of consequence. The problem is, most people are ruled by their base desires and have no moral inhibitions that would restrain them.

Since we no longer had a code of ethics that would discourage or prevent degenerate behaviour, society was overwhelmed with perversion. We witnessed total degeneracy: The hook up culture, the drug culture, materialism, nihilism, race mixing, homosexuality, transsexualism, etc. In retrospect, it seems clear that our ethics were not based on some abstract universal principles (as Atheists mistakenly believe), but were in fact largely derived from our religion. When we tossed out Christianity, we tossed out our entire code of ethics too.

[–]NeoRail 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This was the religion that united Europe together during the dark ages

The liberal European Union today has also united Europe. What is important is on what terms this unity is achieved.

when it faced an existential threat from the Islamic caliphate

It is very difficult to imagine Islam existing without Christianity.

Contrarywise, we must ask what the repercussions were from the Wests rejection of Christianity.

A lot of people are making this argument, but I think it would be a very good question to ask if the social situation in the West today is a result of rejecting Christianity specifically or of rejecting religion more broadly. It is also a good to ask why this rejection occurred in the first place.