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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't want to sound arrogant or belittling you but are you new to this?

New to prepping? Yes and no. I'm not new to the survivalism or shooting sports that's for sure. I'm not a big fan of 'stacker' preppers that just buy shit food from Alex Jones and stash it in a basement and don't consider the full picture.

Remove the fluff and romance and it's pretty accurate. How to keep warm, get electricity, protect yourself from others, breakdown of society, women becoming a currency, nuclear rain, no food, no game in the woods anymore, WATER, building a society from scratch again

I think a lot of of shows try to remove how important the human element is. You have to remember that all the shows you watch about disasters have an ulterior motive. They want to promote individualism. Notice how every time there's a 'town' in one of the zombie movies it's really run by some evil leader (often christian) that's taking advantage of everyone. These shows are designed to get you to hate religion, hate male leadership and hate white people especially. Bird box is another great example of this bullshit anti white propaganda.

As is the anti fed prepper patriarch character in the later seasons of the show Longmire. It's a shame that we can't get any positive promotion of implicit white communities. Even the Amish were made into petty gun toting gangs in recent show. Media is really just a weapon to distract, demoralize and confuse us about who we are and how we should go about living or surviving in tough situations.

I am actually new to full rural life that's for sure but not new to survivalism, camping or hunting. I've spent most of my life being very oriented to exercise and the outdoors.