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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You can also add Christians to that list as well. They see Christians as being predominantly White and therefore predominantly oppressors because they're judging the whole religion by the state of it in the West, i.e. indeed overwhelmingly White. They aren't exposed to the massive Christian-identifying non-white masses in Africa or LatAm because many of them know very little outside of the West itself. American troops were in Iraq... but most Americans didn't even know where it was on an unmarked map (63% I think was the figure I read). Nigerians and Indians watch Hollywood films, but Whites don't watch their Bollywood or Nollywood films. All around the world people many non-American people were more invested in Trump v. Clinton or Trump v. Biden rather than their own damn elections. It was certainly the case where I am.

This then leads them to all sorts of odd conclusions; for example, claiming that Easter or Christmas (yes, I know that these are technically Pagan and aren't celebrated by all Christians) should not be celebrated while believing that all other religious celebrations are acceptable. Of course, plenty of non-whites would also be impacted if there was a whole campaign across the West to rid us of those two events, but they identify Christianity too closely with Whites to see that. They just think that some Churchgoing White guy with his wife and four kids is being dragged downwards which is good for equality's sake, and not the Churchgoing Okechukwu with his ten kids.

It's similar to how films almost always cast Whites in the role of villains. This goes back a long way, e.g. the Empire in the Star Wars films were practically all White males, and it was only some years later when they started to 'diversify' the Empire itself to add women, aliens, etc. That was probably a mistake from their viewpoint, because it makes the most sense for them not to 'diversify' the villains. In doing this, they probably unintentionally made Leftoids more sympathetic to the Empire.