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[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

White Americans need to get their head out of their asses. They are facing imminent genocide, 1920s red terror style. The biden regime is working on confiscating land from white farmers, fully opening the flood gates of illegal immigration and is looking to flood white suburbs with subsidized low income housing.

Any resistance to negro violence will be deemed terrorism by the new power structure. It shocks me how complacent and cocksure Americans are. They really think that its going to be business as usual and the same old cycle of election politics will continue.

The entire US intelligence apparatus and the US military is being geared to fight ''white supremacist terrorism''. Meanwhile Blackrock has become the fourth and most powerful branch of government and is essentially commanding the US economy like a Soviet central planning committee. Diversity, negrolatry and anti-white agitation is compulsory for large corporations now.

Try to slap sense into yoru normiecon friends and families. Libs are too far gone. The doom is coming for them fast.

Either leave the US or form some sort of ethnic band with like minded people you can trust. And do not give up your weapons. Your AR-15 could end up being the difference between your family being raped and murdered by BLM ''protestors'' or surviving. You might go to jail, sure. But you can at least spare the lives of your family.

[–]TheJamesRocket 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It shocks me how complacent and cocksure Americans are. They really think that its going to be business as usual and the same old cycle of election politics will continue.

Its a very misplaced sense of confidence among the Republicans. They really do buy into their own macho bullshit about 'muh guns' and 'muh libertys'. The MAGA crowd still haven't disentangled themselves from the Q-tard shit: They believe that there are 'white hats' within the government fighting to reverse the situation. This is a complete fantasy. Among the Republicans, there are just too many gullible midwits who are mentally stuck in the Trump years.

[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah. Imagine still not getting memo in 2021. Some people are beyond rescue.

[–]CircumsteinRabbi Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yep, the liberal American "Right" has around as many delusions as the social democrats and socialists on the Left. The latter take the cake with absurd theories about Trump not really catching Covid, Trump intentionally going to the debate to infect Biden, Trump having died and been replaced by a body double, the Pulse nightclub shooter "really" being a "Christian White male" and Omar Mateen doesn't even exist, communist mass murder is just Western propaganda, not being vaccinated is "attempted murder", "Antifa is just an idea and so we can't declare them terrorists" (notice that this farcical reasoning doesn't apply for White nationalism), 2016 was "rigged" yet 2020 was "the most secure election ever", etc.

Yet liberal-Right theories include the absurd idea that at some point, because the military is "really on our side", they will sweep out the Democrats in a coup to save the Republic. That the people will rise up against "tyranny" because the "tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots". "Molon labe!" and all this other drivel about how a revolution will start once the "Democrats come for our guns".

The military is on their side. A majority non-white military isn't going to care about "the Republic". Emma and Ricky from those hilarious recruitment advertisements don't care. The masses will hand over their weapons when the time comes, and the military and police will be the very ones ensuring that you comply. Of course, the ghettos and gangs will still be armed to the teeth, just like in Mexico and Brazil. American exceptionalism really is for fools. Demographics are the source of power. Not "values". Haiti and Liberia also share "muh Murican freedumb and democratic values", and to what avail?