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[–]YJaewedwqewqClerical Fascist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Marxist: The Marxist camp would arguably be Fourth Positionist or simply within the False Dichotomy, but they are in essence racially conscious and socially "conservative" communists/Socialists, i.e. Nazbols. These people are veyr iffy and I wouldn't invest too much trust in them.

Anti-Marxist "Left": The Anti-Marxist Reactionary Left would be Strasserists, Ba'athists, and other more economically left groups that are still definitely within our general grouping. I might put people like Keith Woods here, but I don't know how he specifically describes himself.

Traditional "Far-Right": People like monarchists, national conservatives (the Otto von Bismarck type), general populists, etc. who are far more mainstream but still agree with many of our basic ideas. These guys are definitely more alt-lite or alt-right adjacent depending on their specific ideas, but still very much related (the fact that many don't want to be notwithstanding)

National Socialists: Very hardline radical, and extremely race-centered. The ideological unity NatSocs have is very promising but as others have stated the average normie recoils in fear at anything compared even in passing to Hitler or his ideas, regardless of their merit.

Clerical movement: There's a decent chunk of very radical Christians who (rightly) blame Jews and hold Third Positionist ideals (Clerical fascists, theocratic distributists, Positive Christianity, etc.) who definitely are at home within the Third Position/Dissident Right and use Christianity, often literal interpretation of the Bible, as a basis for their social views. Some disagreements are had within this group and without it about specifics and a few policies/philosophical approaches, but these groups tend to be very fervorous (if God is on your side and you know you'll win no matter what, why not be?). I would fall into this group.

Alt-Lite: Generally pretty cucked, but good bridges between the Dissident Right and less radical versions of ourselves (see below), very good at "radicalizing"/waking up normies, but also good at getting them stuck in the alt-lite zone.

Sympathetic Normies: Moderate cucks who sorta hold the general ideas of our movements. ChristDems/Solidarists, Conservative SocDems, moderate populists, etc would populate this category.

You could probably create even more categories and even subcategories, but I think this is a decent overall view.