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[–]Lugger 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was a Jewish billionaire and one of the wealthiest men in Russia.


Good to see you, bro! Unfortunately, your arguments are based on faulty assumptions.

Yeah, of course the Russian elites and oligarchs succumbed to Putin, but you are forgetting one key fact: they never stopped plundering the country. I don't know why Putin destroyed this Mikhail Khodorkovsky guy you mentioned, but, considering the fact that oligarchs and corrupt politicians loyal to him are rich as ever, I'm pretty sure that he was a threat to Putin's rule and therefore had to be taken out of the picture.

However, if by saying that the elites "fell in line" u meant that they had become Putin's vassals who get state protection in exchange for a share of profit and unconditional support, then yeah, that was exactly what I mean't, wasn't it?

Putin cleansed the country of all the people who posed a threat to his power (including a couple of oligarchs) and established his corrupt-as-fuck-system, thanks to which Russia is still the mess it is.

You don't know what your talking about. After the collapse of the Soviet Union...


You're missing key details... again. Putin never stopped Russian oligarchs from looting the country; he merely took them under his wing.

Under the guidance of Vladimir Putin, the country has made an amazing recovery.

This argument is easily refuted by reminding you that the "recovery" you're talking about is owed to the fact that oil prices were extremely high when Putin came to power. It doesn't tell us anything about Putin as a ruler because any semi-competent President would have managed to do the same, given how much oil Russia has.

It is clear that Putin has done a phenomenal job in halting the decline of his country, especially when considering that he only came into power in 2000.

Yeah, man... Putin only has been in power for 21 years. LOL! Even some kings didn't rule for as long as he does.

I wouldn't even be so hard on him if he was at least an honest politician who loved his people. But no, he is a run-of-the-mill corrupt power hungry asshole who is directly responsible for the shitty state of his country.

Good luck refutting the facts that Russia is one of the most corrupt places in Europe and the Russian elites have made themselves rich by plundering the country. Unsurprising, really, because that's how the system build by Putin works.

Lugger, you continue to display an amazing ability to be utterly wrong on almost every subject you care to talk about.

Right back at ya!

[–]TheJamesRocket 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Russia has ALWAYS been ruled by a central power that is undemocratic and unaccountable to the people. The Tsars held absolute power for over 400 years, and the Soviets ruled with an iron fist for 74 years. What Putin does is fundamentally no worse than what any other Russian leader did. Corruption and authoritarianism have been constant features throughout their history. You need to remember that Russians are not European: They are Eurasian. Sadly, there never was much in the way of individual rights in Russia. Criticising Putin on that count isn't very illustrative.

Good luck refutting the facts that Russia is one of the most corrupt places in Europe and the Russian elites have made themselves rich by plundering the country.

Again, no one is denying that there is corruption and profiteering in Russia. But the level of exploitation going on now is nothing like the horrendous episodes of the 1990s. Russia was basically a playing ground for international elites who had free reign to do whatever they wanted. But with Putin in charge now, there are rules and limits. The oligarchs aren't allowed to suck the country dry. Arguably, you could say that Russia experiences less exploitation than America does today with the coronavirus plandemic/great reset.

But again, you will never accept any of this because you are an American jingoist with a bad case of Russophobia. Keep telling yourself that the U.S.A. is Number 1: Meanwhile, you will be subject to more and more draconian rules in the name of combating the coronavirus, while your country is sucked dry by international elites.