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[–]JuliusCaesar225Nationalist + Socialist[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Jews were allowed back into England in the 17th century which coincides with the development of liberalism. CNN is irrelevant, the entire media is radically and overtly anti white now and it began due to influence of social media progressivism going mainstream not some sudden take over by Jews. Jewish media long predates the current radical anti white media which has risen in the last decade. Hollywood was Jewish since its beginnings and only recently did it decide to no longer be able to tell stories with all white casts and replace Europes own history and fantasy stories with foreign peoples. In fact not that long ago we could still see white people playing non white characters with make up.

Progress in "equality" and the type of moralism that liberalism creates doesn't stop so it is foolish to look to past liberal eras and think "progress" would have stopped there if not for the Jews. Perhaps we could theorize it wouldn't have become so suicidal without the Jews but the roots of decline and Jews ascension are found in the individualist money based culture that liberalism gave rise to.

[–]president_camacho 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jewish media long predates the current radical anti white media which has risen in the last decade.

So your argument is that Jews have long controlled the US media, and yet its only recently become blatantly anti white, so Jews therefore must not be the cause of this. First off the same argument could be said about anglo liberal tradition as you call it. It's been around for a pretty long time and while it's always produced a healthy dose of bleeding hearts, it never rabidly turned on itself and started self cannibalizing until now.

So we are faced with two possible sudden changes in behavior explaining what is happening. Jewish media suddenly becoming anti white, or anglos themselves suddenly becoming anti white for no particular reason. Which is more likely? We can trace this sudden turn in Jewish media behavior to a couple major factors.

  1. The internet. Prior to the internet, it was fairly easy to keep the population docile and under control, and guide a population in the direction you wanted without too much effort. But then the largely unregulated and uncensored internet popped up and threw a monkey wrench in things, giving rise to alternative right thinking and expression, as the right was no longer led by the nose by Foxnews, the WST and mainstream conservatism inc. For the first time since WW2, Jews faced open criticism and discussion about their behavior, and they did not like it one bit, because lets face it, they had been up to a lot of things that would upset people.

  2. The rise of the anti Israel, anti wall street left. This led to many Jews becoming increasingly anti white and unhinged. They now felt under siege by both the far left and now elements of the right, and a major source of their wealth and power was under direct threat from the left. For a while they kvetched to themselves and occasionally lashed out publicly, like this liberal media professor basically making the case that Israel would be justified in nuking Europe over left wing support for the Palestinians.

Eventually it was determined that something must be done about this, that the internet must be brought under Jewish control, and that whites must be punished for their insolence. Slowly replacing us worked fine in the past but that was now directly threatened by the unregulated internet and the rise in 'noticing' that resulted. This view preexisted Trump, but Trump's presidency gave it a sense of urgency as Jews epically freaked out once they realized the alternative right was backing Trump, and that Trump directly threatened the replacement. This is when the anti white media and Jewish censorship and deplatforming kicked into high gear. Blacks were enlisted(or rather incited), along with Antifa, to silence and intimidate the anti wall street left and openly attack and intimidate whites that even thought about showing an ounce of white solidarity. The great awokening exploded into the chaos we see today. Rabid racial justice politics also distracted from economic justice politics that threatened to unite the far left and the alternative right against a common enemy.

Now you also have the coming to fruition of decades of intentional anti white and pro replacement propaganda, which was well documented by people like Kevin Mcdonald well before woke politics went nuclear. I think the culture of critique series began in 1994, way before all this, and yet it accurately predicted where we were headed and explained why.

That's not to say that your anglo liberal tradition theory has nothing to do with this, and social media certainly could contribute to it becoming increasingly pathological. It probably does play a role as well, but the primary instigator in all this is the media and academia, and its clear that the internet, the alt right, and Trump caused an epic freakout among the Jewish elite and this is why the Jewish media suddenly become so openly anti white. Another contributing factor is simply that whites numbers have been reduced sufficiently and Jewish wealth and internet control had grown to the point Jewish elites felt emboldened enough to accelerate things. Also the repeal of the fairness doctrine allowed Jewish media elites to unleash their inner goy hatred, as they could endlessly editorialize "the news".

Now this is all an over simplification of things. I'd have to write a novel here to go over every factor leading to the clown show we see now, and to list all the evidence I've come across that this is being driven by the Jewish elite. You've probably been exposed to a lot of this evidence anyway, and have chosen to downplay it for whatever reason. Also keep in mind when I say "Jews" I'm generally referring to a subset of Jews. How large this subset is I have no idea. I only know they tend to be congregated in the media and among the wealthy. Most rank and file Jews are probably just extremely brainwashed NPCs who dont openly think about such things and have little to no influence even if they did.