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[–]Wrangel 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree, look at Europe on google maps pictures from above. There is so little nature left in continental Europe, much of Europe doesn't even have any large mammals left except for humans. The planet is turning into gigantic urban sprawl. It would be a great thing if we could reduce the population slowly and naturally and have a much greener future and a plenty of housing and work. The obsession with numbers comes from economists trying to pump the economy and from people who think we are in a breeding competition with Africa. We are not, we will never outreproduce Africa. We win by being better at civilization, not by filling the planet with even more humans.

If anything it is an advantage if we have plenty of fresh water, plenty of farm land, lots of hydropower etc.