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[–]hennaojisan 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

I have long suspected that THEY, as Ms Fitts says, were going to squeeze all the money possible out of the US and leave it twisting in the wind. It is just not possible to get my mind around a number like $21 trillion. James Corbett is one of the last journalists without an agenda and he deserves praise. Thanks.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I think Corbett put out some decent documentaries and information, in fact I was an avid watcher for quite sometime, but understanding the nature of PSYOPs, I've come to believe that he's a controlled opposition ; still someone you can learn from. If not a very subtle controlled opposition, than an unintentional gatekeeper.

He lied about WW2 history, says Hitler is a Rothschild, and like ALL THE 9/11 so-called truth movement members allowed to still post on YouTube -- I'm unable to -- they ALL push that the hijacked planes hit the towers and Pentagon. That, the plane narratives were not Rabbi Dov's tankers or his connections to SPC and TriData. They continently leave out a lot of information, that I would think they would know. Cognitive infiltration at a very, very subtle level. You can still learn from them from time to time, but they do ignore many things and spread disinformation to confuse even the most astute of persons. This is at a very subtle level. Adam Green and the Jew Christopher Jon Berjneks, I'm pretty sure all three of them are Jews, featured on Green's channel multiple times, will promote the theory that Hitler was a Bolshevik, which is absurd. He then attacks the Jew Einstein for being a racist, when in fact, Einstein was staunchly against Zionism, see the subtle cognitive infiltration they are playing here?

Corbett says Hitler was a Rothschild, but anybody who does a lick of research knows that he closed down all the banks and endlessly talked about how much he despised them. Does it mean Hitler was a great guy? No. But it does illustrate that, currently, there is a war on information at the most subtle of levels.

I was also banned by Corbett or someone on his channel for asking him about the planes as drones aspect of 9/11. With the views and subscriptions he has, if he was 100% legitimate and not controlled, he would never be allowed to have this big of a channel stay up for so long.

Why would he want to cover-up the Operation Northwoods, plane PSYOP? Just like how he states all the mass shootings are real, including Pulse. Obviously, they are drills, and he knows this, yet, he still shills the official narratives or controlled opposition alternative theories. He will never expose the PSYOP. And has often ridiculed it.

Last year, he said, "does 9/11 truth really matter?" He stated that, it is the end of 9/11 truth and it "isn't relevant."

This angered me, however, he has posted several videos recently concerning 9/11. Many of them being controlled opposition witnesses like Rodriguez who is an Israeli firster.

Look up New Eastern Outlook and see what organization owns them and then pull the thread on who contributes to them and their media partners. You might find Uncle Fetzer is part of that operation too as is Corbett.

Now, if you want to look closely at someone who avoids the Zionist Question like the plague, look at Mr. Corbett. Criticism of Israel is simply criticism of a state, and Corbett the anarchist hates all states, he's opposed to the very concept. But criticism of specific Jews, Jewish power and influence, Jewish intentions, neocons, Zionism, etc. He won't touch that. Just like his apparent mentor, the Bircher G. Edward Griffin won't.

Yes, Corbett exposed Chomsky but that still doesn't negate the possibility Corbett himself is controlled. I now recall why Corbett was called out as controlled opposition and after taking a closer look it's hard to argue that he isn't. Look at this 1st video and watch them all skirt around the elephant in the room (the people pulling the strings) while they all lay blame at the USA and Soros.

View it on youtube and read the comments section if you aren't sure who they are avoiding/protecting.

There's a lot more information out their about Corbett. Learn from him but know he will leave out a lot of information. He is 100% rigjt about Assange though.

[–]hennaojisan 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You never cease to amaze me. Your question is right on: if Corbett is so good, why is he allowed to stay on the Internet? It is a good and revealing question that I can't answer but I'll give you some background from my experience:

The John Birch Society had a big push in Japan way back in the nineties, among foreigners living there and I expect you know that Corbett lives in Japan. A friend I worked with then was always going on about Jews, their influence on the US Gov, etc. In my innocence back then, I thought he was a very intelligent antisemite and college lecturer in history. Boy, was i wrong.

At one point my friend hooked up with some John Birchers and kept talking about them: are they left or right? what is their agenda? At that time in my life I was more interested in meeting girls but over the years all has become clearer though not perfectly clear.

I'm sure you know this but: The Zionists are playing a looong game and obviously have thought things out very well—while having a large proportion of the world's money and some of the best minds money can buy.

Would they have had the perspicasity to influence foreigners living in Japan and other countries way back then or even before? You damn right they did and they are still in the process of carrying out their game plan using Corbett and many others around the world.

Corbett is a high-level influencer and the Zionist influence goes all the way down to those people who read top-tier newspapers and actually believe what they read. They are everywhere and even when interpreting people like Corbett, we have to be on guard and think things through, as you keep explaining to me.

Off the subject but: The other day I was reading something on Wikispooks that /u/robin had written. After following it for a while I came to a phrase that bowled me over. It was something like: ...after the assassination of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in April 1945... Do you have any thoughts on that? I have never heard that even suggested but it does not seem so unlikely.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I just found this for now about the FDR conspiracy. It's wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt.

While accounts focus on Cermak and the other victims being random casualties of an attempt to assassinate Roosevelt, a conspiracy theory emerged sometime before 1999,[16] starting in Chicago,[17] asserting that Zangara was a hired killer working for Frank Nitti, who was the head of the Chicago Outfit crime syndicate. John William Tuohy, author of numerous books on organized crime in Chicago, after reviewing Secret Service records,[18] described in detail in a 2002 article his interpretation of how and why Cermak was the real target and the relationship of the shooting to the rampant gang violence in Chicago.[19] The theory is enhanced by numerous researchers, citing their analysis of court testimony, asserting that Cermak had directed an assassination attempt on Nitti fewer than three months earlier.[16][20]

The conspiracy theorists suggest that Zangara had been an expert marksman in the Italian Army 16 years earlier, who would presumably hit his target,[21][page needed] though sidestepping any issues about Zangara's progressive age and health issues since his time in the war, his short stature requiring him to stand on a jostled chair, his experience being with a rifle rather than with a pistol from a great distance, and his own statements regarding his target.

Raymond Moley, who interviewed Zangara, believed he was not part of any larger conspiracy, and that he had intended to kill Roosevelt.