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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Personally, I think Trump is a controlled opposition and puppet of Israel, no doubt about it. He is needed for the time to divide the country, as freedom and liberty according to the rulers is an idealogy that promotes the downfall of a nation. He has re-signed NDAA, Smith Mundt Modernization Act and many other treasonous bills. He is surrounded by neocons and zionists. Look into idealogical subversion and the tactics of the KGB (Russia collusion, no russia collusion or Israeli collusion... shsssss) to get an idea of how they and every other power broker around the world toy with the masses. They need a controlled opposition that attacks the media at all costs. The Zionsits and well placed scum at the top knew that an ever-increasing number of people were becoming aware that the media lies and produces hoaxes and false stories. Half the crap that is written on national news nowadays is made up on the spot because it is LEGAL. Trump is designed to promote censorship. According to Trump, the news is fake only when it talks about him, fox news and cointelpro Alex Jones is fine Trump says. The entire news is owned by 6 corporations 5 of which are Jew Zionist owned, the 6th not a dual Israeli but a self professed zionist too.

Trump attacking the media is a distraction to divide and disengage the masses on trivial matters. It promotes the idea that the media is broadcasting Truth on one side whilst also broadcasting deliberate disinformation and lies against Trump on the other, but Fox News is okay he says, oh and according to Trump, the news doesn't produce or stage stories or PSYOPs of which Obama and Trump legalized. Plus, Fox is the same news agency that lied regarding WMD's and 9/11 and Trump thinks Arabs did it. Once you accept that SOME events reported by the media are faked, logic will inexorably lead you to the fact that virtually ALL of them are. The character of a true story is altogether different than that of a fabricated one; this is a juxtaposition to be avoided at all cost. Take the time to research the stories that are being presented to you. Alt-media has been infiltrated as well. Since, 2012 the entire political spectrum is one charade, designed to confuse and disengage the viewers from their true potential.

Look at the Zionsits censoring every YouTube video and forum that critiques Israeli foreign policy and AIPAC lobby group. These forums and videos are banned by ADL and other Jewish Internet Leauge groups that Trump and his friends are cozy with. It is one big charade, do not fall for it.

In short, Trump is surrounded by Zionists and neocons, has lied about the Syrian chemical attack, attacks Powell and the Fed as a political theater move, as they hike up interest rates for the next collapse to be blamed on Trump. And Trump knows this and was selected as president for this very reason. HE IS THE ACTOR PUNCHING BAG. He will be blamed and NOT the banks for the coming collapse. As the Divide and Conquer puppet Trump also promoted the GREAT trick that is still played on the pretend-awake sheep.

THE STATE has convinced them that the state itself isn’t the enemy. Instead it’s some invisible “Deep State.” LOL. THE STATE and all those supporting its tyranny are the enemy, period. Deep, medium, shallow...who cares. Please, do not fall for this language.

Whatever you may think of Trump (I'm on the fence, but I recognize he's under siege so must be doing something right against the deep state. The Rothschild's have chided him on Twitter) he may be the last hope we have for public awareness.

Trump isn't under seige, our rights continue to be trampled and he puts a unconstitutional SCOTUS in the house of which the DEMS "wanted out" (political theater) because of a made up sex allegation. If the Dems talked about his views and legislation on the 4th amendment he would be out and someone else, probably justt as bad would take his place. But they did not. They focused solely on the fake allegation... why? Because both sides are controlled by the same masters and they could care two shits about you or your family. He isn't under seige and the deep state is not trying to out him; it is POLITICAL THEATER, nothing more.

The Rothschilds chiding him on Twitter means nothing. He most likely doesn't even use Twitter, all those twitter posts are most likely done by an aid and he most likely never reads them anyway. Plus, a Rothschild bailed him out because of financial struggles during his casino days.

He's already dangled the Truther carrot.

Because he's a controlled opposition.

The country is suffering, and desperate for a solution. Let the cumulative rage rain down on the perpetrators of 9/11.

The liberty movement is the ONLY movement that cares about you and your freedom. Dems and the GOP could care less, because secretly they have the neoliberal agenda in the back of their minds. To all of them the end justifies the means. That goal is the New World Order. The solution is an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, THAT WILL be blamed on Trump and if Trump plays along, then my theory stands.

Our solution is awareness and preparedness, financially, socially and in our community. Nobody else is going to make that change for you.

Edit: Trump's not stupid. He's vulgar, not stupid. What do you think will happen to him when he leaves office. They're going to try to bury him, and his family.


[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I used to think that exact same way.

However, I think he underestimated the deep state. He wasn't suppose to win. He beat the Republicans, then me m the Democrats. Both tried to rig the elections, but the voters would have rioted, each time.

His platform was populist.

A) bring back jobs.
B) normalize relations with Russia. I C) immigration and the wall.

The deep state completely opposes A & B, and shut it the fuck down. Russia gate, and crash the economy threats.

Immigration is all he has left, but that's also populist. But immigrants is devisive, so go for it they said.

I think the Israel support is an after the fact development, because his son in law is Jewish and that was the only elite support that was possible.

I could be wrong, but this theory solves for three most questions with the least loose ends. IMO.

I'm far from a serious supporter of his,. However, there have been record numbers of pedophile ring arrests in the past two years.

Hundreds and hundreds of arrests. This is unprecedented.

The MSM is under reporting it. 160 kids rescued, 150 arrests in Atlanta and cnn ignored the story, which means CNN isn't interested in covering pedo arrests!.

That is a game changer in my book. I don't have to agree 100% with someone to work together on important issues that I do agree with.

The dissolution of the global kakistocracy!?! That's the blackmail glue that controls the world. That shit is EVERYWHERE!!!

If Trump can significantly move the needles on this issue, then he deserves to have his face on a green back. IMO.

Grabbing pussys?, hookers? walls? This is for fifth order bullshit.

9/11 truth ends the wars.

Dismantling the pedo rings disbands the kakistocracy.

Imagine if the surveillance state the globalists set up, becomes the mechanism of their undoing. This would be a watershed historical event that would shape the entire future. Historians hundreds of years from now would be passing Trump. Sounds insane.

If boggles my mind to imagine that this sleazy orange dude could conceivably deliver on making America great again.

It sounds crazy to me, as well.

Pessimism of the mind.
Optimism of the heart, 'n shit.

If I'm wrong, then we're fucked.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

The Liberty Movement KNEW he was going to win, as did I. Hillary was suppose to lose, anything else is political theater. The deep state is the state and no matter what, Trump has appointed warhawks, neoconservatives, Rothschild bankers and a whole bunch of criminals. Why sould we trust him? Obama looked like a peace keeper during his first election, making it known that he'd bailout the people not the banks. And yet, he did the very opposite and appointed warhawks and neoconservatives, justt as Trump has done.

You do no beat someone in an election. If voting changed anything nationally, they'd make it illegal. We are a corporatocrate oligarchy. The people have no say, and this can be confirmed in the 30 year Princeton study. The elections were a fraud and set-up from the getgo. There are no debates as the debate commission is owned by large corporations that vet questions before hand. Wikileaks exposed this, but I already know Assange and wikileaks are also limited hangouts.

Assange says that anyone who doesn't believe arabs did 9/11 / the offical story are crazy and are a detriment to the truth community. That tells me all I need to know about Assange and wikileaks.

A) bring back jobs.

Not really, he said wages climbed too, but this is a lie. Inflation increased as did interest rates but wages are still neutral. The rich continue to get richer and the wealth inequality widens. Each president has brought back Jobs, even Obama but that won't save our economy. Only something drastic will.

B) normalize relations with Russia.

Russia and the US are owned by Zionsits and Israel. Russia is still geopolitcally at war with the US, and Trumps admin is funneling weapons to Ukraine and neonazis to fight the Russian Seperatists. He also has given leverage to Israel, and Turkey in Syria. Israel is gutting and USING the USA as a military force. In the end, Russia and China are THEIR future. Trump must know this, and I believe his interests are firstly, Israels. The Belt Road inititve, is something the US should get in on but they won't. They have stopped hoarding gold too, of which Israel, China and Russia are doing on a mass scale. In the end, Zionsits have infiltrated our Government and with help from BIS and the IMF will collapse our economy when OUR military accomplishes their geopolitical goals of a greater Israel. The Belt Road inititive is their future plan, the US will subsequently become a welfare state, which Ben Gurion, Israel's 1st Prime Minister predicted in the mid 20th century.

“Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the USSR (Russia) as a federated Eurasian state, ail other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

“In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, (exactly what Jesus predicted would happen) to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.

I C) immigration and the wall.

Political theater. The caravan was staged media fakery. Many of the pictures they took were from years ago. The wall will not be built and Trumps retoric is ONLY meant to divide the country. It also gives certain idealogies the moral ground to open borders completely, which is foolish. But again, Trumps retoric is designed to do this. They have to play both sides.

As for the pedophile busts, are the number of busts unprecedented? Can you find a factual statistic illustrating an increase in frequency since the start of the Trump administration. This is a first for me. If it is true, that's great but it still doesn't change my opinion about him.

9/11 truth ends the wars.

No it doesn't. Bollyn and a few other researchers are the ONLY ones exposing the TRUE players behind 9/11. Many of the other organizations posing as truth seekers are Zionsits. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Millions already know that 9/11 was an outside Job by Israel and an inside job planned by factions within the US government. Most of our zionsit controlleld congress knows who did 9/11 and have covered it up.

Dismantling the pedo rings disbands the kakistocracy.

Not really.

Imagine if the surveillance state the globalists set up, becomes the mechanism of their undoing. This would be a watershed historical event that would shape the entire future. Historians hundreds of years from now would be passing Trump. Sounds insane.

Trump has continued the surveillance state on an unprecedented scale and has further militarized the police. Civil forfiture and the use of trapwire is still in use, Trump could care less. If Trump outright names the planners of 9/11 and PNAC, then you're right. But he hasn't and won't because he appoints the same people that used 9/11 as a pretext for war. The reason why, you see neoconservatives on MSNBC now, when before they were on Fox preaching war, is because they are planning for a party change come next election. So just as Obama was pro-war, the democrates and their followers need to be subdued and desensitized. Of course I could be wrong but I doubt it, TPTB are smart to use a controlleld opposition.

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Jesus, my friend. Debating Trump details really isn't that important to me.

If he's crap, then that sucks. If he's great, then great.

I think he's better than Clinton, but that is the difference between cancer with a 5% chance of 9/11 truth vs. cancer plus sleazy Bill Clinton and their foundation in the WH.

Suppose we talk about WTC building 4 or 5. I haven't heard much about them...
Have you?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

or WTC6 with the core melted.

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yep, my friend. That's the subject of the post. ;-)

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

A month ago I would have agreed 110% with you. I can't put my finger on what has changed my opinion, but I have a nagging feeling. I dunno...

Your assessment it's definitely more realistic than my gut feeling. You may have noticed in most of my posts that I stick to concrete and factual analysis of evidence, and the political implications of various factors. Except, sometimes I talk smack about shit. However, I think the distinction in my message content is apparent when I do.. I could be wrong.

Maybe Trump is hypnotic like Hitler?!? :-0

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I wouldn't compare Trump to Hitler in any way, shape or form, but that's just me. I've already come to the conclusion that anyone who becomes president after the coup on 9/11 was selected for an ulterior goal. They are vetted well in advance, Trump is no exception and he is part of the tribe.

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Agreed about Hitler. I was joking.

The Republicans almost staged a coup at the RNC. They couldn't believe he had made it. Ted Cruz was trying to gather elite Republican support to nominate Cruz. Trump supporters were rallying in support of their elected candidate. This is a fact. I've never heard of this happening in modern US politics.

The Democrats had polling stations rigged in swing states, but there were armed Trump supporters closely watching.

If this is "controlled opposition", then I don't understand the meaning of the term.

It may be that they've taken control of him, but that is a consolidation of elite influence in opposition to his original goals, and he's given up or negotiated for concessions.

My point is that there's smoke evidence that he was far from vetted. He says taboo things like how he's donated money to each candidate for favors, etc.

Its possible that he is, but this is a fairly unique case.

Please don't interpret this as me supporting his actions or candidacy. I'm just examining the facts as they occurred.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I should note, that people like Ted Cruz, who frequent the Crowder Show are not part of the neeoliberal agenda. There are neconservatives that also follow a neoliberal agenda. I believe these people are surrounding Trump.

The neoliberal agenda will use Trump as the fall man. And I beleive, although speculation that Trump knows this, only time will tell I guess.

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

They'll use him if they can. He's fired a bunch of them.

He'll need that hail Mary play that I mentioned. We can only hope...

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Fired a bunch of them and put in even worse warhawks. I put zero hope in Trump but that's just me.

[–]Tom_Bombadil[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He's already busted more child trafficking pedophile than Obama did during 8 years.

He'd have to grab a lot of pussys to negatively offset the positive karma for every child trafficking pedophile he locks up.
Just saying...