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[–]SoCo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One trick I see people constantly fall for, is focusing on motivation. When an event happens and you are purposely kept in the dark, but you suspect something sinister is going on. They making finding information hard, especially with their ability to censor and effectively rewrite history on the internet. This is frustrating and sticking to rational fact-based information is difficult work.

They try to throw you off on red herring with an easy solution. It appears like so many others are on the bandwagon of the same track, so they must be on to something...

The solution is to focus on motivations. You can easily find information that might lead you to believe what kind of person someone is and what their motivations might be in a situation...

It keeps you guessing and focusing hard on propaganda characterizations of events, rather than the facts. It works very often.

Did Dr. Flauwsy and Gates want to depopulate the world and sell vaccines, did they want to poison people? Who cares stop being Mrs Kleo...focus on facts, actions, and actual words with context. While you are wondering why they did something, you are missing what they did. It is a classic misdirection red-hearing as well. They even boasted abut this technique with the "pied piper" talk years ago.

Stop falling for the re-packaged normy trap:

We've all seen the characters played on The Apprentice and WWE, we all know Trump is crooked and motivated by greed, and corporate business men have similar motivations, so maybe he cheated his taxes...

Now that they've used that normy trick on judges successfully, and have subverted his Constitutional rights to dragnet his whole taxes without evidence.....they've found a huge nothingberger and should be ashamed. They've at most came up with his company giving out large holiday bonuses and actually claiming it on taxes....but behind the scenes the check was cut from the wrong company that person worked for which was technically wrong in a common mistake way. Got do we have the public tricked enough to drop the hammer and use the RICO charge...not yet. Keep digging, we got his every personal item, note, prostate exam result, and attorney letter...