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[–]Vulptex[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It has definitely been tampered with, and I think the parts promoting pedophilia may be among those added by the scribes mentioned in Jeremiah 8:8. But it is actually not true (but it is a common misconception) that זכר means young boy. In actuality that word simply means "male". However, the prohibition as written either refers to unsanitary anal sex or having adulterous relations with a man who's married to a woman. "As with a woman" was pulled out of the translators' asses.

Eunuch does not mean gay either. It's a castrated person. It may include celibates. When he refers to eunuches as "born that way", it means they have a defect which makes them sterile.

I'm not at all surprised that the Bible doesn't discuss 21st century culture war issues. That should not be such a shocker. It wasn't written anywhere close to our time, and identity politics is a bunch of bullshit.

You do make an interesting point about the scapegoating of gay people being meant to protect pedophiles. I never thought of it that way before, but it does make sense. My theory was always that since BATSHIT CRAZY LEFTIST LUNATUCS who have openly declared war on Christianity LOVE gay people so much, or at least act like it, Christians have come to associate them with the side of Satan. Remember, most people are very one-dimensional and think life is like a Disney movie where there's only the good guys and the bad guys.