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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Anything can be abused and misused, should violent videogames and movies be banned too? Kids didn't use to shoot up schools. It is strange how easily children can access porn and everyone sort of ignores that. Children watching porn used to be bad. And I think that's how it's most likely to corrupt a person, thinking porn represents reality more than it does because they don't know any better.

But I wouldn't want to ban it. Porn teaches women to fuck, sets a bar. 25 years ago before porn was so commonplace I'd say starfishing was way up and bjs way down. Similarly I'd credit makeup tutorial videos with generally improving women's makeup. Used to see some pretty unintentionally clownish makeup.

That does make me think, if a woman gets off being a submissive plaything would she have been that way if not for watching porn? Would it matter, has it cost her sexual fulfillment, damaged her personal relationships?