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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Part 3

Furthermore, the royal houses of Britain saw the machinations, division and blackmail of aristocracy. There was competing factors here as well, all of course contrary to the welfare of the plebeians and rural class.

Secondly, Plutocratic Jews are often tribal and nepotistic. But this isn't the case for most anti-Zionist humanist Jews who number far fewer. Whilst they don't profess Christ, they often see Him as someone to follow in an atheistical humanist way. This, off course, can at times, devolve into demoralization or the erasure of Christian principals concerning sex, property and family but this is a small problem due to the fact that their Jewish Zionist opposition, those Zionist racial blood-inclined plutocratic Jews and their neo-Trotskyites, despite preaching the necessity of family and motherly nurture to their own ideologues, work to destroy these principals in non-Jewish cultures.

The Rothschilds were sold out to us as the biggest Ultra-Zionist group out there, but I already showed you how they are a bunch of traitors.

It would be best you tell them to stop funding orthodox Jewish rabbinates and propping up Jewish agency organizations around the world. They are Jewish philanthropists for Jews and only Jews. Anyone who wants to know if the Vatican is Catholic or Talmudic might want to search, or search their twitters: @mauricepinay and @hereisjorge. They give detailed accounts of the judaic takeover of the Catholic church and Jesuitism. The church is entirely controlled by Bergoglio whose mother was Jewish and her grandmother was Jewish. He is rabbinically Jewish and praises Talmudists who hate Christ and has in his office a depraved painting of Jesus with the talmudic rabbinate inscription, 'blot out his name.' Provably, Bergoglio is fronting the Noahide agenda which is Jewish supremacy, NOT CATHOLIC.

They even allowed the Vatican to get the lands of Israel, the Jesuits the most anti-Semitic group on earth.

Because the Vatican is Talmudically controlled, duh! Of course, your claim isn't true but what would it matter either way? Israel is a Jewish theocracy, allowing secular Jewish degeneracy as long as the Jews remain tribal and ethnonationalistic, hence Tel Aviv being the gayest city in the world, surpassing San Francisco. Yet, simultaneously, all Jews in Israel have to serve in the terrorist Israeli Defense Forces and you concurrently have theocratic Zionist orthodox hassidic Jews directing the IDF who have publicly proclaimed that in Talmudic law raping non-Jews in a time of strife or war by Jewish soldiers is noble in order to benefice the fighting ability of the Jewish soldier by satisfying his sexual thirst.

How can a Zionist Jew in California bomb and kill a Palestinian in California while he is sleeping in his camper (yup, this happened), flee to Israel and then become a prominent member of the Knesset and a lawyer who has the Chutzpah to publicly defame war criminal Netanyahu and sue him multiple times. Just think of how depraved and odd this is, Jewish supremacist kabuki theater on a level that one just has to shake his/her head in disbelief.

I don't respect the Greater Israel narratives at all they are the same old stories that they pushed in Europe.

Because they're true and not an ideology of all Jews.

All the Jews that you keep seeing in positions of power? Well they got thousands of Jews in power during the Bolshevik revolution and the whole movement was in great part the black pope play to frame the Jews.

No it wasn't. No evidence exists for this, tens of thousands of Catholics were liquidated and Jesuits openly wrote encyclicals against the formation of communism in Russia.

Why are the Jews discriminated against and researched in the CIA when some ethnic Jews have taken positions of power in the past?

They're not. Not anymore at least.

Because It's another shitty Hegelian Dialectic they set up.

No, it's not. And why do you always conflate Jews with tribalistic ethnonationalist Jews, as if that's the only Jewish ideology?

Fitzinfo's fallacy of the Jesuit conspiracy, see here proves your theories wrong.

Also, considering you call yourself an SS member on reddit and the fact that you now post about muslim rape gangs, hate the CIA but negate to admit that there are two CIA's who were opposed to each other; source freemasons and Jews who proclaim that JFK faked his death; hate Christ and Catholicism; call me a "CIA fuck," I'd wager your useless_aether or working with him. Both you and him sourced Loftus, the Jewish Zionist and various other Zionists. So my idea of you is that you proclaim ethnonationalist Judaism or at least work for its benefit because it might benefit your own ethnonationalism.

Secondly, the Vatican vaccination mandate for a terrible disease 200 years ago is not in anyway connected to the vaccines being mandated by Israeli Jews.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a Jesuit Missionary Congregation.

No, wrong. Gates are Goetz who are openly Jewish and Melinda praised Chabad. Jesuits would never praise Chabad.

Bill Gates Reveals Family Goes to Catholic Church. Bill Gates: "People act like they have a choice.You don't have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population.”