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[–]Jesus[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

Lionel shills often for Trump. I see you had a sketch of him. He's featured on RT quite a bit. Funny, that RT, if it really is Russian Propaganda, would be allowed to be aired on US televisions.

Why is PNACER Maloof hosted on RT as a geopolitical analysis? He's a neocon who shilled for the Iraq War. There's certainly something fishy about "countries" (corporations) and maybe they not being as geopolitically at odds with each other as the media would have us believe. Certainly, they all use the same terror and propaganda tactics on their own people

[–]JasonCarswellPlatinum Foil Fedora 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

Yes. I liked and followed him from 2015-2017 and abandoned Lionel a few years ago. He had major gaps like thinking OJ Simpson was guilty, promoting UFOs without any substantial evidence, etc. Besides his routine and random shtick getting tired, it was when he schmoozed with Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, and Roger Stone that finished it for me.

I used to watch Thom Hartman too, but he also has limits and blind spots. RT has value, but meh. I can't even watch Redacted Tonight much for the climate change and SJW flavoured shit.


The capitalists and communists have merged into a totalitarian corporatocracy.

For 2 or 3 months now I've been meaning to write up something about the fall of the wall in Germany and their differences and collapse of Russia in the 1990s to explain to all the fucktards about capitalism, socialism, and communism AND the means of production - AND more topically important than ever how their collapse under their rigged economic system will likely be profoundly similar to whatever bullshit they're pulling on us now. I'm quite certain there are lessons to be learned from it - and perhaps survival skills too.

So why have I procrastinated? 1) Wrapped up in other distractions (ie writing my story, keeping up, discussions and debates). 2) Trying to finish the /s/WikiSpooks CSS and make some big announcements for their May 22th 10 year anniversary. 3) I keep foolishly expecting someone else to make the obvious parallels and present it in a nice documentary that will fall into my lap. In short, I haven't looked for good analysis on the fall of the wall.

I remember the huge differences between East and West Germany and these fools who confuse socialism and communism don't know what they're talking about. After the wall came down East Germany finally got blue jeans but they also all lost their communist state provided jobs (not something often found in socialism, aside from government) - even if they were meaningless or inefficient it was better than the nothingness that capitalism offered. It was devastatingly difficult for them then, though in 30 years they've managed to fuse states and bounce back. Arguing with those who are likely too young to know about that stuff can be tiresome.

Anyway, maybe you might feel motivated to post about it or have reference off the top you can suggest. Or maybe you can tell my why I'm wrong. You always have great insights.

[–]Jesus[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I don't have much to say now, but I hope you finish your write up on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the relations between communism, capitalism and socialism. I cannot wait to read it.

I fell for many of the players involved in the corportocracy. I was an Alex Jones fan for awhile, then I traveled over to Wolfgang Halbig and his shtick but realized that even when they expose the fraud with 90% truth, still, many of them are agents. Adam Green was an easy one to spot. His trips to Israel and work with Viacom and him being a cousin of the Manning brothers gave it away. Truth Inc., is nearly all controlled. I found that some of the best material is by anonymous users who wish to stay private. Those users who have a thousand or less subs and are quickly censored or deleted whilst the big players like Adam Green are promoted on YouTube. Makes you wonder. Also, believe it or not, the government and its archives have some great conspiracy material that anyone can discover. For instance, most of the history of how the Federal Reserve act came to be is all publicly available. So, I find that the government doesn't hide their conspiracies after the passing of 100 years or so. They assume nobody will read public archives anyway.

I will say cronyism can work candidly with authoritarian communism.

But I think the communist scare today is more of a red herring. Free market mercantilism (not really free) and the opening up and deregulation of global economies whilst corporatizing nature is their goal. A world coporatocracy with elements of a technocracy is their longtern goal.

I don't see any people at the World Economic Form or BIS espousing marx. I do, however, see a consecrated effort to maintain capital flow and engineer and profit off of crisis.

[–]JasonCarswellPlatinum Foil Fedora 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I don't have a write up - just the idea for one. In the previous post, from "The capitalists and communists have merged into a totalitarian corporatocracy" down, I essentially laid out my idea. I'm not an expert, but on those fundamentals I'm confident and I could surely muster up some Wikipedia, WikiSpooks, and other links for people to dig into. I already know the greater context (what I wrote), but am not motivated to research history on that stuff of 30 years ago - nor to write it up when it's extremely likely to be largely ignored by chance or lack of interest here on SaidIt. My recent WOSC idea went over like a lead balloon. I don't know what other insights I can add other than there are endless parallels about their collapse, including the obvious concept that oppressed people never choose it - yet so many folks here won't grasp that as they can't even step outside the left-right paradigm. I just want a good/great/exceptional documentary to point that out so I can promote it like hell and maybe stir up some alternatives and solutions discussions.

Maybe /u/Robin, /u/magnora7, /u/d3rr, /u/Orangutan, /u/EndlessSunflowers, /u/useless_aether, /u/Tom_Bombadil, just to start (sorry to all I omitted), might consider reading this and the previous 2 comments and offer their thoughts on the fall of East Germany and Russia 3 decades ago. With some feedback and insight I might be able to come up with a respectable post worth noticing. It would make it easier to show and implore James Corbett, The Conscious Resistance, The Last American Vagabond, and others to consider applying their documentary skills on that history with lessons and modern parallels.

This week I was unsubbed from SierraKiloBravo and Spiro's YouTube channels 3 times each in short order. I have yet to explore who else. I don't rely on their sub system as their "feed" is crap, manipulated, and full of random and repeat nonsense. Admittedly 1/3 of the random stuff is okay and shared often enough, but that's not what I want. I'd prefer to hit my sources and not be distracted. I'm surprised there isn't a good indie YouTube subscription management addon or skin type thing, like Invidious or HookTube, but for managing YouTube subs.

After 100 years all the guilty folks are long dead.

Agreed. Communism lost its big teeth and scare after Stalin and Mao died - plus after 9/11, advanced nukes were traded and forgotten for the Luddite cave dwellers. Just as socialism was corrupted into communism, I think what exists today is not really that communism, but the evolutionary further corruption that includes high tech, high finance, global trade, and new forms of propaganda, social control, surveillance, etc. Yes, disaster capitalism - and surveillance capitalism - seems to be the New World Order of the day.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Have you read the old 19th century book called 'The New Rome.'

S states:

The Manifesto‘s Marx, with his call to proletarians of the world to unite and destroy the bourgeois foundation of European nations (religion, family, property) is like Moses federating bands of uprooted migrants and lead them to the plunder of the cananean cities, and is like the prophets calling for the destruction of the nations.

What I find fascinating are the direct parallels between Capitalism and Communism, with only the rare exception, on virtually every point. These are ultimately complimentary systems.

Capitalism was (and is) to the revolutionary United States what Communism was to the revolutionary Soviet Union.

Not surprisingly, in that light, the hyper-Capitalist New Rome book of 1853, like the Communist Manifesto of 1848, also strongly attacks nationality, but from an artificial individualist (rather than an artificial collectivist) perspective.

The Capitalist attack upon Europe, and European peoples, is particularly emphasized in the New Rome.

‘…It is the duty of the American party to combat all European traditions which are incompatible with Americanism; but, above all, that of nationality. To vindicate individualism against nationality, is the office of America.’

The New Rome (1853) – pg 70 – 71

The [1776 Capitalist American] revolution is the offspring of the only people which is not a nation. A gathering of all the exiles of the world -and an exile is a man deprived of his nationality, rejected by his nation- an assemblage whose spring of action was disgust at the national cruelties which they had fled; a convocation from all the corners of the world for conscience sake, for the preservation of this individual sovereignty against the encroachments of national traditions; a horde of emigrants who knew nationality in the guise of national poverty; America was, by force of circumstances, the rendezvous of all to whom nationality had been the source of all their sufferings.


Nations, we have seen, are unions based upon community of speech; this the Americans renounced, in favor of a union based upon a unity of thought; and thus fell nationality, and arose the republic. The native Americans partly have been forced to doff the European part of their title; and they have done wisely. It is the duty of the American party to combat all European traditions which are incompatible with Americanism; but, above all, that of nationality. To vindicate individualism against nationality, is the office of America. This is, at the same time, the whole force and scope of the revolution; thus, the revolution which arose in and with America, must for ever return to it; and America, which began in revolution, must live in it, and end with it. When the dominion of nationality is crushed, and the sovereignty of the individual is attained, everywhere and everyhow, the missions of the [Capitalist] revolution and of America will both be accomplished.

Ask yourself how Russia and Multilateralism runs? Is it communist, Marxist, or something else? The Neocons were certainly Trotskyites ie. Bolsheviks that now live or had lived in NY, the capital of global finance, before they took banker money in hand and started a revolution in Russia for an imperial powers agenda. That imperial power being Germany and the US. These Bolsheviks were always foreign to Russia and they destroyed Tsarist Russia, which was never a pedestal of freedom and happiness anyway. For they would not be able to rile up the peasants for their cause if it wasn't so.

Now, these Bolsheviks are here in the US, to spread 'democracy abroad' ie. fake democracy in name only. They appear to be pushing the global revolution agenda as Trotsky intended but in this case using democracy as cover.

Which Jews were persecuted in Bolshevik Russia? The chabad-Lubavitch community. Zionists were too. Communist apostate Jews for the Bolsheviks eventually murdered many of them. Trump, Netanyahu and Putin have their own Chabad rabbis. So, then ask yourself why Alexander's book '200 Years Togehter' which exposes the origins of Zionism and Judeo-Russian relations is censored in the US from publication by US publishers?

Putin literally stated that 80% of the Bolsheviks in early Bolshevik Russia were Jewish. Why would he state this? He then goes unto show his appreciation for Stalin.

I believe the reason why the book is banned in the west is because the Bolsheviks are in the US, and once you understand how authoritarians and corporations can bestow their will on communism and capitalism, both become inseparable.

Capitalism breeds invidiualism and eventually radical individualism. Which would explain why the Chabad movement is very powerful in the US, being the backbone of Kushner and company but at the same time the geopolitical goal of the neoconservative doctrine, or the new Trotskyite doctrine is utilized in its full capacity.

This video, named the Hans Habe project illustrates just how screwed the US was before it was and after it was founded.

Keep in the back of your mind Truth Inc. and corporations when you watch this video.