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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Hitler was a staunch nationalist who fought heroically for Germany and the German people during WW1, despite the war having no obvious motives, or a clear geopolitical agenda.

Hitler did build up the Germans, who were suffering severely, and I do think unfairly after WW1, but was it out of love, and true compassion, or simply the 'set up' necessary to the industrial complex plan????

The Treaty of Versailles obliterated Germany as did the Economic collapse that many germans blamed on international Jewry. Of course there was more to it than that but it was a simple, flawed perception that didn't need a detailed explanation. At that time decadance, and debauchery was at an all time high, whilst foreign interests (such as banks, some Jewish owned) were able to buy up property and flaunt their assets while the German mark became void of any real value. 200,000 + suicides annually in Germany at that time! If you think 30,000 in the US is bad, think again. Crime and pedophilia was also rampant. Thus, this fervent belief sat in the bellies of millions of German people until the National Socialists rose to power. They looked like Gods to a large majority of the German people. Many even accepted the idea of dictatorial rule, if it meant the reversal of a complete redline in the Germany economy. And so their propaganda was able to stimulate a common core of selective bias. The National Socialists did make a few good points on the Bolsheviks and the rising threat of the Soviet Union which had plans to take over all of Europe.

One last point, I do believe Albert Pyke's 3 world war letter was legitimate, why in the fuck else do we call them WW1, and WW2, when they weren't the real 1st, or 2nd world wars......SMOKE, AND MIRRORS

One simple duckduckgo search will do you good. The WW3 scenario was probably NOT authored by Albert Pike and is likely a hoax which is easily confirimed if you research the quote.

[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I'm familiar with Hitler, and also the credibility around the Albert Pike letter. It's been a while since I've read any new 'it's just fake' stuff, but my point still stands in regards to world wars; the 1st, and 2nd, weren't the 1st, or 2nd; there were already preexisting conflicts that embroiled several nations. Shoot, the fighting over the 'New World'; look at all the different groups vying for control(you never hear about the Chinese on the west coast).

So we've got an old letter, it was either found, or made a long time ago, and it states 3 wars. For the most part, most all are waiting for the official ww3, others that feel they're very well read speak of ww4 in actuality due to continual conflicts already being ww3, but it's still the official ww3 we all wait for. Isn't that odd, that the letter is fake, yet we follow the numbered wars of it, and you even hear people talk of the 3rd as the final solution? We see the societal goals of that letter also being fulfilled, or not?

The people today are also set up like the WW1 Germans as you point out; Camille Paglia has spoken of these similarities of the ends of empires where decadence is rampant.

As far as Hitler being genuine, or not, look at the political atmosphere in America today; I see you write about Trump being a fake, I've no delusion in that, in most ways. But, have you noticed how at least by way of history books, they can paint him very similar to Hitler in the not so distant future? I do think by way of comparison, it could be argued that Hitler was a set up the entire time; what greater way to demoralize a people, than to build them up, and carefully destroy the hell out of them?

Considering many to most American's at the time, were German, or part by origin, were convinced through organized means, of how evil German Nationals were, look at the treatment post ww2 done collectively to all of Germany, and especially the troops. I note the world oligarchies do this with all people it seems; 'metaphorically eat each other'.... 'the winning team'.

In regards to your link debunking the letter; let me say, I don't validate the letter, I just note that things sure have played out like mentioned; am I wrong in that thinking? Could it not be a vocalization of where they're needing to take us, so we submit? After all, you were quick to cry fowl, debunk, and bury, but we all know the basic idea/plan?

The 1st part of the link seems to debunk that Pyke could've written it, because it would require him to forward think past his ages. Yet, that's a lie, anyone with any sort of power, or that has the ability to Critically Think, will look out into the future 10, 20, 50, or longer(I think the older you get, the more forward you look). Hell, we do it with 'buildings' all the time, buildings are designed for how long they'll last, what elements might change, or impact the structure sometime out in the future.

If we see the building, but lose the blueprints, and someone thinks they find them, do we dismiss something close as a total fake, since the authorities lost the original(again, seems like the buildings been built, but no original plans, and the 'authorities' always lose things)? As far as authorities, and antiquities, watch Mystery History; there's proof that a greater history is intentionally being hidden; yet most think the Authorities, with the Smithsonian never tell a lie.

I mean are you trying to convince me of a history lesson, or what exactly are you trying to convey, or more importantly, what do you think I think, because I'd like to know?

I ask this in all seriousness, as you, or I, or anyone can pick a topic, and have a complete different set of facts that 'work'; some better than others, some worse than others. Yet, I note that by way of the cabal, or oligarchy, they truly control the topics, and even the narratives within that we may discuss.

Just look at this site, we all constantly have to reconvey, reconnect as most are ever ready to jump on, correct, and 'win'. Perhaps I've got a serious lack of communication skills, as I get corrected quite often with what's approved, accepted, or 'correct'; I feel like I must have a disclaimer with most I write anymore, or a clarification page so as to not be painted into the corner the cabal wants us. I think this very fact alone is showing of the cabal's ability to use our guttural, root, or base instincts against us. I only mention this, as I'll continue to mention the letter, I'll continue to question why half the world today can use the Swastika, and half cannot; why one race can use vulgarities that aren't even healthy for themselves, yet others are subjugated to watch, but not participate; I mean the world is twisted. I don't look to change, we're nearing a 'moment' that will probably be a period changing moment in history where many won't survive; I personally just want better comprehension.

[–]send_nasty_stuff[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Perhaps I've got a serious lack of communication skills

Are you a native English speaker?

I have trouble following your thoughts/sentence structure.

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I am, but interestingly enough, the syntax/grammatical structure of Spanish, and the other 'backward' languages comes very natural to the way I think. For example, I took a Mexican driver's license test; most gringos were failing it because it's written using their grammatical structure; I had no problem comprehending what they were trying to convey.

Apart from that, I do type as I think often times. My punctuation, I think is used properly to convey breaks in my thought pattern, or 'stops' of reflection.

I usually type at around 60 words per minute, and that's with the thoughts included.

Sometimes I've got multiple thoughts running, and that's where I can write some really incoherent, or more so, poorly laid out thoughts.

Aside from that, and my writing ability, I guess some don't get it, but at the same time, I've got several published op-eds, and articles floating around the net.

Likewise, I used to have a small radio show, it was just starting out, but had several high profile guests. I quit that, as my mother was dying, and I had family engagements that I felt compelled to take up first. I mention this, as I still get requests from people like Howard Bloom to come back. I don't know that I ever will at this point, but it makes me feel good to know someone of his public stature respected me enough, or perhaps intrigued enough, to occasionally check in.

[–]send_nasty_stuff[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yea I'm not trying to be insulting at all; you seem like an intelligent person. Your writing style just takes some getting use too.

Howard Bloom

Smart guy (probably too smart); but cryptic and I don't buy his whole low energy for a decade shtick. Did you catch him on Rogan?

Also, side note, do you listen to podcasts? Have you caught any of the 'Our Interesting Times/Powers and Principalities' episodes?

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No offense taken, I know I can type in a hard to read way often. Usually it's when in a hurry, and I guess in my own 'thought language'....... When I write anything for like an op-ed, I spend the time to make it more clear, but it's been a long while since writing anything, lol.

Regarding Howard, yes, he kept me on my toes, and the funny thing, he did quite a bit of research in preparation for our chat; I was shocked at the level of research done, but then again, I do similar often enough.

As far as podcasts, no, my last several years were either trying to take care of my mom, or up until a month ago, my father. I'm hoping to get back on my game, and perhaps do something new; with media of course.