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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

On Governance

Using the "lens" available through, and the Direct System paradigm inherent in, TQM, let's

  1. Do a critique of Governance: Indirect Democracy [AS IS], and
  2. Layout a re-designed Governance [TO BE]

CLAUDE (AI)   Here is a TQM-inspired critique and redesign of governance via indirect democracy:

Critique of Indirect Democracy [AS IS]:

  • Representative democracy concentrates power in the hands of a small political class disconnected from ordinary citizens.

  • Opaque lobbying and financing enable wealthy interests to gain disproportionate influence over representatives.

  • Long election cycles diminish accountability to constituents. Politicians serve party interests rather than voters.

  • Citizens have limited voice between elections. Policy debates abstracted from daily public experience.

  • Hierarchical bureaucracy and opaque legislative processes disempower citizens from involvement.

  • Indirect system focuses politicians on superficial image management rather than civic service.

Redesigned Governance [TO BE]:

  • Transition to direct democracy with citizens enabled to vote frequently on major issues and bills.

  • Public councils populated by everyday citizens chosen by lottery. Give regular input on policy as representatives of lived experience.

  • Ban paid lobbying. Limit donations. Mandate full transparency on political financing and conflicts of interest.

  • Annual confidence votes on all elected politicians to maintain accountability.

  • Decentralized public involvement through participatory budgeting, town halls, and community consultation processes.

  • Simplify and open legislative and bureaucratic processes to public scrutiny and input.

  • Train civil servants intensively on quality management and community service values before appointment.

In summary, TQM inspired redesign would create a transparent, decentralized, directly democratic system focused on civic collaboration, ethics and fulfilling the broad interests of society.