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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

On Currency

Using the "lens" available through, and the Direct System paradigm inherent in, TQM, let us

  1. Do a critique of Fiat Currency [AS IS], and
  2. Layout a re-designed Currency [TO BE]


Here is an attempt at a critique and redesign of fiat currency using a Total Quality Management lens:

Critique of Fiat Currency [AS IS]:

  • Opaque and complex monetary system disempowers most citizens from understanding or influencing it. Violates TQM principles of transparency and stakeholder involvement.

  • Money issuance and control centralized into the hands of banking institutions and governments. Goes against decentralized decision-making.

  • Lack of direct tie between money creation and real value produced in society. Allows unchecked speculation and boom/bust cycles.

  • Interest and debt basis encourages scarcity, accumulation and short-term thinking rather than sustainable abundance.

  • Fails to account for social and environmental costs in monetary policy and transactions. System focused purely on narrow economics.

Redesigned Currency [TO BE]:

  • Complement national currency with local mutual credit systems. Empowers communities, increases local resilience and accountability.

  • Decentralized participatory management of monetary policy and financial regulations. Representatives directly elected from communities.

  • Money issuance tied to democratically agreed indicators of real value creation like sustainable production, infrastructure built, human development metrics.

  • Replace interest system with demurrage to discourage hoarding and promote circulation. Nullify debt-based leverage.

  • Monetary transactions directly account for social and environmental impacts using smart contracts and tokens. Internalize externalities.

  • Ongoing participative reviews of monetary system against ethical, quality of life and sustainability goals. Continuous improvement.

In summary, TQM-inspired redesign would create an adaptive, decentralized monetary system run transparently in the interests of broad stakeholders and the common good.