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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Q: Is the real issue
not just a lack of money,
but the (real / perceived) (in)ability to effect the exchange for money
i.e the (real / perceived) lack of things of value that others require & are willing to pay for?
e.g. lack of capability/skills to do the required work?
Q: What are the 'required work' or 'things of value'
that people would be willing to pay (each other) for?
What do we / should we value?

Sustaining / improving our existence & cause: [physical] [biological] [spiritual] [emotional] [social]
Hence: [safe] food, water, home, power, internet, ...

How about freedom from usurpation?
-- Isn't everything else basically meaningless if one is living is a world that is fully usurped?
--- If so, shouldn't we put priority to value to be free(d) from usurpation above all else?