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[–]magnora7 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

What the hell.

What is the deal with the censorship. It'd be one thing if the footage looked super fake and made it look like a hoax, but the footage instead verifies it's real. Why would they want to censor that SOOO badly?

Is it just some vain attempt to limit the influence the killer or something? Why is it ok to show ISIS beheading people on the news, but this has to be censored with a huge fine for even telling people where to get it? Why? What is the motivation?

I just really don't get it.

[–]Greedeater 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Simply put; not only is it the first time that a mass shooting has been streamed in First person, but it's also happened in a country not known for these types of attacks. We used to have vids with the same perspective from Daesh footage on occasion in WPD back in the day, but no-one really cared as it was over there, not over here; Not happening in developed country.

Then they tried to bury it.

Humans are naturally curious folk, so when they get told they can't see something, they'll want to see it more. Streisand Effect in full swing.

Though the censorship involved was done under the guise of not celebrating what Tarrant did - don't give him any attention, essentially - the reach that police have with this is concerning. Same with the Danish backpackers in Morrocco a while back. Mark my words, some law will come in soon™ basically giving countries in allegiance full authority to officially do this. Luckily we have folk like Josh over on KiwiFarms tellin em to piss off.