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[–]Maniak🥃😾 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The only way to put a stop to this is for the american people to raise their voices and say "we don't want to be party to this operation, it is inconsistent with our views of what is morally right or wrong".

But... it hasn't happened.

[–]Maniak🥃😾 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What does it take for something to be called a world war? Because given the sheer number of conflicts all around the globe, caused by and/or involving the US, the US is certainly already at war with the world. Up to and including the war acts of the US against the entire EU economy.

The two threats to world peace right now, and ever since WW2, are Israel and the US. Full stop.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Video is approx. 30 minutes long, excerpts of Macgregor's remarks:

Netanyahu and most Israelis equate the final removal of all the Arabs that currently live in what they regard as Greater Israel to their long-term security and survival.

The ICJ ruling is irrelevant to Washington because we're not signatories, we don't respect it, we don't care. And remember, the entire government on Capitol Hill with few exceptions is comfortable with what the Israeli government is doing. The only way to put a stop to this is for the American people to raise their voices and say "we don't want to be a party to this operation, it's inconsistent with our views of what's morally right and wrong."

Netanyahu has made his intentions clear and everyone in authority in the Middle East is now saying Sykes-Picot is over. IOW, "we will no longer tolerate this Israeli state." And they're moving to a state of war across the region which will culminate, I think, in the destruction of Israel, and I don't think we can stop it.

Iran was telling the truth when it said it did not explicitly order these attacks on US troops by Iraqi militia groups, the intelligence community has already stated that. We have to understand these are Arab militias - the Arabs in Yemen, in Lebanon, in Iraq and Syria. They're all anti-Israel. Why are they attacking us? Because we are unconditionally supporting the destruction of the Arab population in Gaza. If the assaults in Gaza were to stop, or if we did what I suggested and said we won't be a party to it, the attacks on us would end.

There's no desire on the part of Iran or anyone else in the region to go to war with us. We, on the other hand, have been desperately seeking this opportunity, looking for an excuse. Is this enough? I don't know, you'd have to look at American opinion polls. And remember, we always have about a third of the electorate that cheers regardless of who we bomb. Americans have no fear of war because it always happens on someone else's soil. And that is about to change if we attack Iran.

Iran has an enormous arsenal of very precise, very destructive, theater ballistic missiles as well as tactical ballistic missiles. If those are employed, they have the ability to attack with precision all our positions in the region - remember we have about 57,000 Americans in uniform in the region. [referring to chart showing Iran's ballistic and cruise missiles] Those on the right are what I would call "blockbusters", these are the ones that will flatten cities, flatten military installations, destroy airfields and harbors. These are conventional warheads but their destructive power is enormous and they're precise. When you destroy a Mossad position [the missile strike on Erbil] with a Kurdish man who was a Mossad agent and that's in close proximity to a US embassy and you do no damage to anything that's American or to American personnel, that should tell everyone they have extraordinary technology.

They have hypersonic missiles that are of Chinese manufacture but they're a Russian invention originally. These hypersonic missiles are in a position to strike targets at sea and there's no way to shoot them down or defend against them. You have a British aircraft carrier and an American aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean, they can be targeted because everyone now has access to overhead surveillance with the ability to read the names on gravestones. And ships at sea, whether conventionally or nuclear-powered, are slow-moving targets. And these hypersonic missiles can adjust, so if they fire these things they will hit their targets.

If Israel participates with us in direct strikes on Iran, I think the arsenal will be launched from numerous locations, all of which cannot be positively identified, and they will reduce Israel to ashes.

We have been facing opponents without armies, without air forces, without air defenses; that is about to end. Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah are real forces with real capability. We haven't had to face that and by the way, neither have the Israelis, and they'll be the first to tell you privately that too many of their soldiers and officers have spent too much time policing people on the West Bank and in Gaza, they're not accustomed to an all-out war. That's what they're asking for and they'll get it if they don't stop.

And we're going to get it, too. And remember that Hezbollah has subtantial facilities and concentrations of people in Mexico. So do Islamists who are Sunni Muslims. We don't even know who has actually entered the US. We shouldn't rule out the probability that if this war goes forward, we will face a second front along the Mexican border and potentially a third front inside the US.

Clearly there's no mission for US forces in the region in Iraq or Syria, they're effectively magnets for attack and they've been in that position now for quite a while. I know people like to beat their chest and say we did the bulk of the work driving ISIS out but we did not; it was done by Iranians and the Shi'ite militias they trained and the Russians. And we worked with them, even the Iranians we now want to attack. The bottom line is we should get our troops out.

Russia has made it very clear that it regards Iran as a strategic partner of great importance. There's an agreement on the table for signature by Moscow that would effectively permanently arrange things to ensure that Russia does come to Iran's aid. But I think that's a formality. Russia will not stand by and allow us to destroy Iran. They will provide Iran with whatever it needs to protect itself and it will stand by them.

BTW the Chinese, who have critical interest in access to the Persian Gulf and to East Africa where they get great quantities of food will not stand by and do nothing while we force Iran to submit or die, in which case Iran will probably fight and close the Straits of Hormuz. You can also write off the Suez and the straits down between Africa and Yemen, which I think is called "the gate of tears."

We need to back away from this. This will become regional and I would say semi-global very quickly. The greatest danger is that Israel will respond with the use of a nuclear weapon, particularly as they watch their cities - Tel Aviv, Haifa and so forth - largely annihilated.

My only quibble with Macgregor on the subject of Israel and Gaza is his failure to call it a genocide. I posted this comment on the video: "I love Macgregor and agree with him on most things but I don't know how much "larger a scale" it needs to get before he recognizes/acknowledges that we're watching a genocide right before our eyes. That goes for Americans in general, it shouldn't take getting drawn into a war that Americans will have to fight, which seems to be where we're headed, to say "this has got to stop!" We don't have to be our brother's keeper if that's too heavy a lift, but at least we shouldn't be his murderer or an accomplice to it, whether tacit or deliberate."

[–]CaelianPost No Toasties 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for posting this. Ugly situation, but the USA and Israel have been building towards this for a long time.