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[–]RandomCollection[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Netanyahoo wants to stay in power. At any price. As soon as he is out of office the prosecutors will relaunch the dormant bribe cases against him and his wive. Both are likely to end up in jail. Given that alternative, a war in Lebanon, even one which Israel is likely to lose, may well look like a good option. But the best case for such a war would involve some U.S. promise to have his back in that war and to come to his help should the adventure go as bad as it is likely to be become.

So much of the fighting is because of this. He's escalating a losing war.

Nasrallah closed his speech with the typical greetings to the martyrs and their families.

All together Nasrallah was in a good mood. He seems to think that Israel is currently deterred from attacking Lebanon.

But even if it were to attack Lebanon Hizbullah would use it as an opportunity to better its position.

Nasrallah has good reason to be confident he can win. Lebanon would be devastated in any war, but the Israelis would lose. They lost in 2006.