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[–]MeganDelacroix🤡🌎 detainee[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If these are authentic, I guess the suppression is even less mysterious.

ZeroHedge: Facebook Censors Nashville Trans Shooter Manifesto Minutes After Leak

Breitbart: TN Bureau of Investigation Won’t Confirm Purported Leak


J.D. Vance

The anti-whiteness movement, mainstreamed by American universities and corporations, has blood on its hands.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Every shooter’s manifesto should be public.

There is absolutely no reason to hide this.

Unless of course our government wants to hide the fact that these shooters are on SSRIs and usually brainwashed by leftist’s propaganda.

Case in point

Vivek Ramaswamy

It’s downright offensive that federal & local police tried to suppress the release of this manifesto. Ordinarily they release it within 48 hours.

Our justice system is politicized to its core & it will take a true outsider to fix this.

Vivek Ramaswamy

We can handle the TRUTH. I went to Nashville in August to demand that the Governor, the Nashville Police and the FBI release the trans shooter’s manifesto. Be honest with the public - not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard. Get to the root cause: the mental health epidemic. The path to truth runs through transparency.

Kari Lake

A transgender shooter killed kids simply because they were white & Christian.

This type of identity-based hatred is propagated by the radical left & spread by the media daily.

It's an awful consequence of indoctrinating children instead of educating them.

It needs to end.

Joe Kent for WA-3

They will hide what drugs the shooter was prescribed twice as hard as they hid the manifesto.

Big pharma doesn’t know or care what the combo of puberty blockers, testosterone, estrogen & SSRIs do to ppl, to them it’s a profit machine under the guise of tolerance & compassion.

Michael Seifert

A deranged trans shooter killed six people because she thought they had "white privilege" and the government fought in the court to keep this information hidden because they want to keep the “white supremacists are the biggest terror threat to America” narrative going. Evil.

Chloe Cole ⭐️

A lot of people are immediately dismissing this as fake because Hale uses slurs that describes herself…

It’s obviously not confirmed but this is how I would expect this individual to write.

When I was transitioning, I hated myself and would often use words that were self-loathing. This is extremely common amongst young LGBT identified individuals.

In fact, many in the community would use these slurs against me during my detransition and still do.

Steven Crowder

UPDATE: Per @WSMV, Nashville Mayor @freddieoconnell has "launched an investigation" into our release of the #NashvilleManifesto

So... he is confirming they are real?