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[–]BerryBoy1969It's not red vs. blue - It's capital vs. you[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You could certainly be forgiven, if it is your habit to trawl through the mainstream western news media to see what’s going on, the emergence of a certain…optimism. A certain general feeling that paradigm shifts are taking place, that tectonic plates, figuratively, are on the move and the world is shuddering, changing. And it is; no denying that. But a simple manipulation of language is fostering the belief – as it was designed to do – that the nature of the battle for Ukraine is altering; that the Ukrainians are focusing on something other than frantic mouselike jumping against the walls and that something…something long anticipated is at last emerging. There is a great sussuration of whispering throughout the west, led by the state media outlets, and the word they are whispering is ‘breakthrough’.

Once again, optimism raises its battered head.

And what did Hemingway teach us about optimism? Come on; it’s not hard, it’s right there at the top of the page. Yes, that’s right – optimism can keep a fool from accepting failure.


We’re getting around to cut-to-the-chase time again, because other sources are rich in detail on current happenings and there is no need for me to repeat them all here. I think we can agree that the western policy since the Glorious Maidan Revolution of whatever-it-was has been to jolly the Ukrainians along with honeyed words about what social standouts they are, particularly when contrasted against the brutish Orcs of Russia – noble in their purpose, brave beyond measure, and so technically adept that on their first on-the-job acquaintance with the Patriot anti-air missile system, they ‘tweaked’ it to allow it to successfully engage hypersonic missiles from Russia; a capability its designers some 25 years ago were unable to achieve. Western leaders show up at work in embroidered shirts on Vyshyvanka Day, looking like runaway tablecloths, promoting the impression they are totally in tune with Ukrainian culture, and billions upon billions in loosely-accounted-for cash have passed into the hands of the Ukrainian government to assist it to keep its population gainfully employed fighting the Russians. As ghouls like Lindsey Graham remind us frequently, best money the USA ever spent – Ukrainians are dying by the tens of thousands, sure, but Russians are dying, too, and it’s not costing the United States a single soldier. It’s probably why US Secretary of State Blinky is in Kuh-yiv now – shoring up the agreements which keep Ukrainians fighting on and on, until no more remain. And then there were none, you might say.

I don’t think I need to explain how reprehensible I find that policy, either, and I think most of you are with me there. Regardless what you thought about Ukraine before or think about it now, there’s something deeply unsettling about a partnership in which rich developed nations pay the poorest country in Europe to send its people to be slaughtered in fruitless assaults against a much-more-powerful adversary whose capabilities those same rich developed nations consistently obfuscate and minimize, even as they elevate being Ukrainian to the highest plane mankind can achieve. The purpose of all the happy talk now – the optimism, we could certainly call it – is to prevent the fool from glimpsing his failure; to bend the jerking, dancing marionettes to continued service to American foreign-policy goals which remain as unachievable as they ever were. Even as some western sources begin to cautiously warn of the horror being perpetrated on Ukraine, others shriek enthusiastically that ‘the progress’ it is making justifies pressing on until every single Ukrainian has been expended to the cause of ‘fighting for democracy’. The last but for the bearded clown in his combat jammies who is revered – by the west – as their leader, I suppose

Remember next year as you struggle to elect the lesser evil faction of our owners government. It's the "lesser" evil faction that's pulling the strings attached to their Ukrainian puppet right now.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Army, along with the devastating sanctions levied by the US and their Europoodles, don't appear to be doing what our owners media tells us they're doing.

Keep that chin up folks...