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[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Excerpt, bold added:

Today’s toxic state in society is a cornucopia for psychologists. For example, Victimhood has become a status symbol in society to the point that non-minorities claim to be minorities in order to reap the sympathy and benefits of this status. Studies have shown professional victims tend to have negative personality characteristics, most notably the Dark Triad.

Dark Triad is a group of three theoretically distinct but empirically overlapping personality traits - Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy - which Cory Morningstar discusses in Imperialist Pimps of Militarism, Protectors of the Oligarchy, Trusted Facilitators of War.

Then there is the matter of projection, the psychological mechanism wherein a person projects his/her own negative characteristics onto others. Thus, we see individuals call their opponents “fascists” while advocating and imposing censorship, calling for concentration camps for political opponents, engaging in the politicization of science and art, falsifying history, peddling propaganda, physically assaulting people having different viewpoints, and engaging in the indoctrination of children.

Milgram’s experiments on obedience to authority always had a political undertone, which he himself stated. He proved that a large majority of people would continue to engage in an immoral act when ordered by a person in authority, specifically administering increasingly painful electrical shocks to another person.

One difference between Milgram’s experiments and today’s instances of obedience to authority is that the latter often has threats and/or retaliation, as has happened in the transgender movement.

Whether in high schools, elementary schools, or in universities there is a massive endeavor to indoctrinate youngsters on a number of seemingly different, but actually interconnected ideologies...

Children have not yet become adults and learned to betray one’s beliefs and principles in order to placate mediocrities. Consequently, there have been a number of students who have revolted against the indoctrinators; in fact, it seems that their numbers are greater than adults in other settings.

...the FBI has become politicized and there are elements within the bureaucracy that would like to turn it into a Stasi. It has begun to target innocent people in society who are ideologically suspect and also to protect the up-and-coming Nomenklatura (including meddling in elections).

Obedience to authority is expected at the FBI and those individuals within the organization who have principles and stainless-steel backbones have been retaliated against.

...the Covid pandemic (with a 98 percent survival rate) was fervently embraced by one group of people. Politicians on one side of the political spectrum insisted on lockdowns, censorship, useless face masks, and toxic vaccines while the other side just kept quiet, as usual. Our overlords went drunk with power...

The rank and file of Covidians embraced the pandemic with even greater fervor (this fervor became known as “pandemic porn”). They would shriek at anyone who did not conform or who went to parties or a deserted beach, and even ask for disobedient folks’ deaths.

As one wag put it, “Imagine a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it—for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it.”

Nowhere is conformity and obedience more evident than in the media, whether it is television, or print media—which is why I call it the media hivemind. There, one must have the same opinion, think the same thoughts, voice the same words. Obedience to authority is mandatory.

Journalism as a respectable profession is practically dead, journalists having transformed into propaganda peddlers. Poll after poll show that Americans don’t trust the media hivemind. does not have to be acquainted with Milgram’s work to recognize the underlying principle. It has been stated before. By John Dewey: “Nonresistance to evil which takes the form of paying no attention to it is a way or promoting it.” By Maya Angelou: “I think that the courage to confront evil and turn it by dint of will into something applicable to the development of our evolution, individually and collectively is exciting, honorable.” And by, of course, Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”