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[–]Matterofprinciple 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Do insurance companies offer life policies for the terminally ill? Zelensky never believed that beginning a border war and ethnic genocide would grant him admittance to NATO, so why are we told he believed it would? One of the tantamount rules of admission into NATO is said country not be engaged in martial dispute

US engineers ethnic genocide in Eastern Ukraine, engineers Ukrainian government to remove Russian as a language taught in Ukrainian schools, Russia refuses to let Eastern Ukraine cede to them, allows ethnic genocide to escalate with no real intervention for almost a decade, Nazi forces in Ukraine are discovered trying to broker a deal with Turkey for nukes, Russia invades.

BlackRock, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, Monsanto jizz their slacks- the PIC, MIC and BIC have either decimated their tracks or they've raised new, sick and raised earth to plant new, sick and self-important seeds.

Our biolabs were destroyed by Russia and if they weren't they were writ off as Russian propaganda. Monsanto now owns 40% of Ukrainian soil/soul.

Nazi terrorists (as terrorists) used the Ukrainian civilians as shields- mobilizing out of schools, churches and hospitals. What's worse than a firing line? Having your home invaded, you abducted and told your firing line is abroad on the field your masters chose. Zelensky is conscripting civilians in broad daylight.

Give a small comedian who likes to dress in drag and play piano with his dick all the money and cocaine he ever wanted and the opportunities are endless. For corporate or "human" entities that hate you more than they do Ukraine. And you've seen what they did to them.

It's only a matter of time before Zelensky is Mussolini'd or driven underground a la Bin Laden. Our weapons sent remain in the hands of an eastern European terrorist force the likes of which the planet has not seen. And that is by design.