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[–]risistill me 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Doesn't matter.

Most establishment news comes from five to seven conglomerates, whether directly or through a subsidiary. It is to the advantage of those conglomerates to support the establishment, which, in turn, supports the conglomerates. Someone paid by the conglomerate or one of its subsidiaries hires journalist and signs their paychecks--unless and until he or she fires the journalists, whereupon paychecks will end. Journalists don't want their paychecks to end. See where I'm going here?

Advertisers have no real choices among mass media and neither do consumers of news. Neither do journalists who want to work for a "major" news outlet.

So the conglomerates have no need to cater to any of them. And even if the news outlet only loses money, the benefits the conglomerates get from the establishment make up for it.

Yet another way in which most Americans are fucked.

Also, because of the above, "journalists" are all but extinct. "Journalism" and "reporting" is supposed to be objective and strictly factual. What is, today? Even the ones we like are giving us their POV.