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[–]AeoooAe 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The first line of my previous comment is too good to not reuse it.

Can it be that some religious clown had a vision and was shown the aftermath of the rollout of the darpa adapter and misheard it as the rapture? And that’s how we ended up with the concept?

According to Wikipedia the rapture (that we now know will be brought about by mass implementation of the darpa adapter) is (…) when all Christian believers who are alive, along with resurrected believers, will rise "in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air."

Wikipedia has it almost right for once. While their blood vessels get cut up and sliced by the nano-scale graphene hydroxide that has been enhancing 5% of certain vaccine batches (not just the mRNA ones), on an experimental basis since probably 2017 already, with its rapturously joyful presence, they are additionally taken for a ride in the clout, so their Superior Overlords and Saviors like Bill Gates can meet their undesired impulses head on and control them through the air.

Meet & greet the oligarchy, that is meet & get greedily grifted and grimly corrected by said oligarchy (transmorphed into the Anti-Christ), courtesy (now not only the 24/7 propaganda anymore but also) 5G (remote control over you) in the air.

Let me guess the end game is to be able to know when someone consumes approved msm and websites and when forbidden and undesirable ones, upon which knowledge the bioelectronic carrier will be able to immediately respond with either releasing endorphins or depressants and pain?

Applauding for expanding the accelerated rapture from places like Iraq and Syria to the entire planet are the likes of Tony Blair.

Let’s try if they can remote steer your hands up in the air!

Hands up in the air!

For Uniparty Flair!

For SS-antics Klaus, Shrillary Clinton and Tony Blair!

Trust, do not beware!

Your doctors know how all these side effects are very rare!

Ha ha ha, you can run like a hare, their remote snapping darpa turtle inside ya is already there!

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, your health is our care!

We even convinced the Chinese and the Russian bear!


Of course they start with those who signed up to obey, are used to obey, and can’t get out without huge drawbacks.