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"COVID Trend #5: NWO Frontman Bill Gates Warns about Smallpox

Eugenicist, computer geek, COVID scamdemic ringleader and NWO frontman Bill Gates has popped up again to make headlines, this time claiming that humanity must practice germ games to prepare for the resurgence of things like … smallpox? Wait, wasn’t that eradicated 100 years ago? Well, apparently not, and with Gates and friends, you can be sure that it may well be resurrected (after being properly and appropriately simulated, of course). The website of a company called SIGA who makes a pharmaceutical drug for smallpox called TPOXX (FDA approved) quotes Gates:

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus.”

It is a sad reflection of the current state of humanity that Gates is still walking free and spouting his dystopian visions as predictive programming, when the evidence is so overwhelming that he planned for this. Are the NWO orchestrators planning the next scamdemic, this time based around smallpox? It would appear so.

COVID Trend #6: Young Athletes Are Dying in Droves

A recent COVID trend is the disturbingly large number of athletes and sport players who have suddenly died, especially from heart-related issues. This article mentions that “German newspaper Berliner Zeitung has published a report seeking to answer why an “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.”” It is well known that the COVID vaccine has been causing myocarditis, pericarditis, heart inflammation and other heart problems. This is happening to athletes worldwide.

COVID Trend #7: Vax Depopulation Effects Kick In: Canada Records Sharp Increase in Stillbirths

Bizarre Phenomenon: Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed A doctor from Toronto, Canada, by the name of Dr. Nagase, has blown the whistle on the dramatic increase in stillbirths in Canada. You can watch and listen to his account here. He knows the baseline statistics so was able to perceive there was a big problem. Shockingly, he reveals that of the 86 stillbirth baby deaths from Janary to July in Waterloo, Ontario, 100% of the mothers vaccinated. Is this the depopulation agenda kicking in?

“Dr. Daniel Nagase, MD, and Dr. Mel Bruchet, MD, shed light on an emerging public health disaster that governments and mainstream media have suppressed. Doulas that work in women’s and children’s hospitals spoke up about an alarming rate of stillbirths in British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Nagase reported the doulas had 13 stillbirths in 24 hours in British Columbia. He stated another horrifying statistic that comes from Waterloo, Ontario. From January to July, Dr. Nagase claimed there were 86 stillbirths. The typical stillbirth rate is 5-6 per year, but the startling rate from Waterloo is 14-15 per month. Dr. Nagase stated he has confirmed from the Waterloo, Ontario report that all 86 stillbirths were fully vaccinated mothers.”

COVID Trend #8: Definition Trickery

I elaborated on this point more fully in my recent article Being Fully Vaccinated is an Endless Destination but I will touch on it here again briefly. If you can’t win the information war on even grounds where facts defeat propaganda, then you can always resort to changing definitions so hide the truth. The CDC insists on defining those who have taken the COVID vaccine as “unvaccinated” if it is only 14 days since they took it. This way, if those people get injured or die from complications or adverse effects, they are counted in official statistics as unvaccinated injuries or unvaccinated deaths. Either the WHO and the CDC has changed its definitions for key terms vaccine, vaccination and herd immunity; the WHO also changed its definition for pandemic years ago. Dr. Fraud-ci said he wants (i.e. the NWO wants) the definition of “fully vaccinated” to change. The basic takeaway is this: the NWO wants what the NWO wants. It will say anything, regardless of its contradictions and changing of history, to push forward the agenda. "