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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You mean all of those PsyOp western terror attacks? How many have there been now? 50?

The goal has always been to instill fear and they will continue to orchestrate and/or fabricate western terror attacks in order to keep populations fearful and apathetic to war and intervention.

I could show you solid proof that many of the terror attacks in the west in the 21st century are highly coordinated PsyOps. Sometimes they are real events, other times, like in Belgium they are laughably staged with a host of characters and intelligence agents.

It is too bad I'm unable to link anything, the powers that not be have censored and memory-holed all of the material that was freely avaliable for around 9 years. If anything those 9 years of uncensored exposes by independent researchers will be a time of the past. The window has closed for now, hopefully a new uncensored research platform can emerge.

Those 9 years have illustrated to me just how far "intelligence" agents will go to manage public perception. They always create a boogyman.