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[–]OuroborosTheory 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

that sort of rules-lawyering is also how the trans activists dethroned the radfems: if wombxn really were completely abjected victims, the worst in human history, with all the legal standing of a discarded sex toy, how do they also have an iron grip on campus HR departments, divert sexual assault allegations to Title IX star chambers, veto a men's center with 1% the budget of its equivalent, get multimillion budgets for women's shelters, write the laws, advise the courts, write the mandatory training sessions for all the businesses as well as schools?

they also came up with the whole "my individual experience as a middle-class academic professional is the only universal standard," "everyone must to defer to my contradictory and self-serving whims," "we have to be in control of every institution," "you're a traitor to the gender for disagreeing with our niche theories/having any different politics," frankly it never ended: but to many this was an opportunity to be TAKEN

so everyone secretly agreed they were callous, vindictive, spiteful bullies always on the witch-hunt for "oppressors" to have the campus/HR punish (an inverse of Lord Acton's law): what sort of sick bastard(ess) thinks Phil Hartman had it coming or that street kids can go starve if they have a dongle? but unfortunately the ~2014 shift just meant a new busload of psychotic bullies were given full (if secondhand) authority over mainstream media companies, universities, grade schools, law (this was also the time when "you don't need dysphoria to be trans, but we'll unalive ourselves from dysphoria if you ever disagree with us uwu" teens flooded out the older trans)