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[–]OuroborosTheory 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

thing is it's not 2015 any more: back then campus administrations just fell on their knees quaking whenever a bunch of angry young things with megaphones (or "loudhailer," I do like that British word) and pots and pans and whistles stormed the building and they'd ban white people from Spanish classes or rip out the men's bathrooms or whatthefuckever

and then next semester a new wave of outraged 20yos busts down the doors with a completely different list of non-negotiable demands that'll change the world forever ...

the fundies ended up in this same cycle, they got their attention on the Pledge of Allegiance (state idolatry written by a pinko), their Iraq War (joined by the ratheists), their "Jesus spoke American" textbooks, their "masturbation is gay" laws--but they haven't been an independent force after 2000 and are mostly associated with "I don't want my kids learning Ay-rab numerals in publick school"

eventually activism reaches a diminishing rate of returns--even the steepest escalation of demands ("underhand toilet paper is eugenics!") just gets lost in all the rest; we got rid of the term "master bedroom" and censored 30 Rock episodes and renamed the Chiefs, and yet you're all still here saying everything's worse than ever, almost like your previous demands actually didn't change shit

it's part of the same process that makes activist groups completely change their missions after getting what they wanted (legal equality of the races/sexes, gay marriage), or just stitch themselves onto a more well-funded cause (Americans United, ACLU, NAACP, MeToo just becoming socks for whatever anti-abortion racist Boomers the DNC's running at the moment)