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[–]Dragonerne 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is why right wingers fail.

Our understanding of "victory" is that our enemies get to speak freely and operate freely but that we are also graciously allowed to do the same. This means, at best, our ultimate victory, is the scenario where we are on equal footing with our enemies.

Leftists want us destroyed, all our morals subverted, all our freedoms removed, our ethnicities genocided through mass migration, etc.

This creates a social dynamic where if we "win", we go to 0 on the bias scale.
If they win, they go to 100 on the bias scale.
What's the average of 0 and 100? = 50
So ask yourself why we are moving left decade after decade? It is because we are designed to lose.

We need to FIRE these leftists from institutions so that they can be replaced by "leftists that defend freedoms" and "right wingers who want leftists removed". We need to reverse the social dynamic.

Make them defend their rights to free speech, while we argue why allowing them to talk freely is dangerous for society and misinformation.

Allowing jews to spread their vile hatred is not good for a free society. I can double speak too.