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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My critical American race theory is that there are two races "white" and "black". But rather than based on "race" these are actually cultural identities independent of race.

"White" is simply success. People are accused of being race traitors by adopting and trying to emulate the lifestyles of people who are successful.

"Black" is failure. People egg each other on into bad lifestyle choices and habits of being in the same way misery loves company and an alcoholic encourages others to start the habit so they'll be less lonely.

It only gets messed up in American culture due to actual racial discrepancies due to slavery. Then generational propagation of bad ideas and a government that very much loves the split and takes full chance to opportunize off of it.

In the Marxist light the idea of "success" is simply replaced with oppressor, and "failure" is replaced with oppressed.

Like any essentialist theory it's only going to be true to a point, stupid people take it as gospel and try to apply it to all aspects of life regardless of thought. The same stupid people who will deliniate what activities are available to you based on your skin color rather than what is based on your own personal capability. The only judgement that one can take from skin color alone is perhaps how much sunscreen you need to use.