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[–]LordoftheFliesAmeri-kin 2.0. Pronouns: MegaWhite/SuperStraight/UltraPatriarchy 17 insightful - 4 fun17 insightful - 3 fun18 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

So many choice comments. The overwhelming vibe is that they absolutely cannot handle being slapped with the reality that they're no better than other people when it comes to doing horrible things. And hey, this was statistically bound to happen, seeing as how they love to inflate their actual numbers with all sorts of genetic abnormalities, self ID, and the like.

A few responses that I'll never be able to make in the actual, partly because it's locked and partly because I'm not about to tank my entertainment account on Reddit just to poke the TRAs in their collective eyes.

And ten bucks says we’re not going to have the usual “oh boo hoo his mental health” conversation circle endlessly in media like we do with every school shooter.

Uh, we don't have that now. If the shooter is a white male, it's almost instantly pinned to far-right ideology, toxic masculinity, and gun culture.

Tucker Carlson dedicated an alarmist and demonizing segment on Fox News last week about trans people’s efforts to arm themselves to resist fascist violence and genocide, and now this…

Yes, how dare he cover a group of mental unstable people seeking to arm themselves to fight an enemy that exists only in their fevered imaginations?!?

People are already predicting that this will trigger a cascade of bills and laws banning transgender people from gun ownership.

Bitch, please. This might be the one time in history that people you ordinarily spit on just for existing will be even somewhat on your side in anything. The NRA will go to bat for your crazy queer asses just as readily as it will for Johnny Militia who's stocking up for the coming race war.

Of course this is something that's going to be held against all trans people in the US now, because people think that we're some sort of mentally connected collective instead of individual people.

Oh, you mean like how you treat everyone on the right as a fascist, racist hivemind?

but this is going to have worldwide repercussions.

I love that persecution complex on display though, really. It used to be said that a Jew in Tel Aviv can stub his toe, and Jews everywhere else in the world say "ow," as an example of how the hurts against one supposedly affect them all. But I think that trannies have taken that slot now, because they just push this sheer "me, me, me" narcissism.

at a time that we are fighting for basic dignity and respect and facing major levels of hate.

Oh, see, you had that. Bruce became Caitlyn, and nobody gave a shit about it beyond some late night noisemakers cracking cheap jokes. But then you decided that you needed the right to inflict yourself on women who didn't want you around, the right to convert children to your death cult, and the right to punish people who don't worship at the altar of your greatness.

This is the only representation that most people will have of us in the near future.

No, no, don't worry about that. We'll still think you're mostly fetishists and sexual predators.

Unfortunately, there are bad apples in every single group/community,

A striking bit of common sense that somehow never seems to apply when you're the victims, real or imagined. Or when you bring up the priests diddling kids as a defense against grooming accusations.