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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah sounds about right to me. Person I had the displeasure of knowing loved the "I'm going to kill myself" gambit and would throw themselves under the car to keep their victim from leaving.

I don't know how you're supposed to deal with those sorts of situations. I believed the guy in that case because I know him really well but it really came out of nowhere. Girl is just going to try to emotionally manipulate everyone around.

I kinda do think it's still best to go to the cops though even if she is going to lie about it. They'll likely believe whomever goes to the cops first but frankly I think it's better to spend the night in jail where the psycho bitch can't get you then spend the night at home.

Still of course when you're trapped in those situations you can't exactly think clearly. I've called a few bluffs before from these types though nothing that severe. It's usually shit like they want my password to something.

"Why won't you give me the password you don't trust me!"

"Frankly no".

Then they try to play the game where they're like.

"Hey everyone this guy doesn't trust me he's so mean!"

And I'm like, yeah pretty much. If you want to broadcast the fact I don't trust you that's fine. Saves me the trouble of doing it.