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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

After the revolution comrade the capitalistic patriarchal machine will be gone and then trans people can exist in society and live as their authentic selves and not work under the oppressive yoke of the capitalistic system that demands their labor.

The day after the revolution.

Xey/Xim: Glorious day comrades! We have finally lifted the yoke of capitalist oppression! Now we can spend our days frolicking on Twitter now that our overlords have been overthrown.

The Stalinator: No comrade, Twitter is a vile capitalist tool of oppression and has been outlawed by the state. You are now free to contribute to our society comrade. Your work is appreciated.

Xey/Xim Oh, well I can write my queer feminist theory book and art piece about the capitalistic oppression of queer people by the state!

The Stalinator: Sorry comrade our glorious centrally planned economy has deemed that our quota of queer feminist writers shall remain at zero until our five year plan is implemented. You have been assigned to work at power plant #15. Please report by 5 am.

Xey/Xim: I don't want to do that!

The Stalinator: Comrades we have a traitor in our midst that wishes to betray our glorious revolution even on our day of victory!

And that comrades is how queer people fit into the glorious equitable people's republic.