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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

One needs to only look at the pictures of this "procedure" to come to a similar conclusion.

Yet you are transphobic if you suggest that maybe people avoid a procedure that can result in them getting a lifetime of pain. Because I guess being in constant pain and struggling to piss is a small price to pay for not killing yourself?

Or maybe struggling with constant pain and being unable to piss without problems is a factor that drives people to suicide.

Regardless seems very odd that the standard of treatment for this sort of suicidal ideation is to let the person go through with a procedure that might lead to other problems that would serve to make the suicidal ideation worse. Naturally though not wanting people to experience pain and kill themselves makes me a very hateful transphobe wielding one of the most dangerous weapons imaginable, common sense logic.

[–]LyingSpirit472 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Well, that's obviously unfair.

The real thing giving people suicidal ideation is that most of the people telling them to do it have never dealt with a human being who isn't Mommy and Daddy in their life, so the suicidal ideations come from them going "if people won't let you join the cult, threaten to kill yourself and weaponize how your parents biggest fear in life is burying their baby, so they'll let you do whatever you want in order to not risk doing that!".

(Heck, it wouldn't shock me if a lot of the people driven to suicide were done so less because of this and more because of their groomers saying "they won't let you? Look, we need to keep our power by using threats of suicide to get our way, so we're going to have to ask you to take one for the team and actually do it.")

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Oh I definitely think a lot of people are enforcing the the cult mentality by making empty suicidal threats. But ask yourself, they are making empty suicidal threats to obtain what exactly? They get their way perhaps but it's a very self destructive path, physically and socially. And eventually, you're going to end up listening to yourself.

Suicide is also a kind of social contagion. But making suicidal bluffs is beyond idiotic. When you make threats, as part of the simple rule of negotiation, you can't make a bid you can't afford to play. If you make a bluff you gotta follow through if someone calls it.

"Let me get my way or I'll kill myself."

"Ok I guess you can kill yourself then".

Persons only recourse then, is to try to get other people to sympathize with them and make you look bad for calling their bluff. I guess they could actually kill themselves, and many will, but they are doing it because they are insane and making stupid bluffs locking themselves further and further into that path.

You can burn through all your social contacts this way but you'll eventually run out.

Now there's a more diplomatic way to deal with this if someone makes the threat towards you. You obviously can't just say "lol ok kill yourself" without looking like the asshole. You can flip the victimhood, go quiet, look disturbed, say you've struggled with your own thoughts of suicide and suicide of others you've known, and are too disturbed to interact with that person again. Which is not the emotional response they are fishing for, and makes them look like the asshole unless they actually kill themselves.

Either way they aren't a part of your life anymore. But I'd prefer they learn to be better people than taking the permanent option.

[–]LyingSpirit472 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But ask yourself, they are making empty suicidal threats to obtain what exactly? They get their way perhaps but it's a very self destructive path, physically and socially. And eventually, you're going to end up listening to yourself.

Well, there's the problem. These are narcissist hedonists who only care about getting their way, and don't care what they give up to get it.

Now there's a more diplomatic way to deal with this if someone makes the threat towards you. You obviously can't just say "lol ok kill yourself" without looking like the asshole. You can flip the victimhood, go quiet, look disturbed, say you've struggled with your own thoughts of suicide and suicide of others you've known, and are too disturbed to interact with that person again. Which is not the emotional response they are fishing for, and makes them look like the asshole unless they actually kill themselves.

That works. Personally, I like the logical ", why should I give you your way to keep you from killing yourself exactly?

If I don't, and you kill yourself, then you're dead. You're no longer a going concern. I can do what I want and not have to bother worrying about what you think.

If I don't, and you do not kill yourself, you just played your card forever. You just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're all talk. I never have to worry about you killing yourself again. I can do what I want and know once and for all you're just bluffing and you won't do shit.

Either way, I have no reason to do what you say."