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[–]LyingSpirit472 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

The one positive about writing novels as a career vs. the progressive/woke crowd is that it's the field getting closest to the "if everything is problematic, then nothing is" event horizon.

Let's not mince words: At the moment, it's over. Novels have been fully taken over by the woke crowd. They WILL cancel you for what you write and get your book pulped. Even if you use beta readers; those beta readers will cancel you. Even if you try to write nothing that anyone could possibly be offended by- the woke in the writing community WANT to find something problematic in your work, so they WILL. They read everything looking for a reason to claim your book is heathen, and they're quite happy to make something up if they have to. The current woke complainers in the writing community have made it their calling card that they truly don't care WHAT you're writing about; their complaint is "You got to write a book! I wanna write a book, and it's MEAN that you get to and I don't!", and they are more than willing to say "If I get literally every other writer who's better than me in the whole world cancelled, then the publisher will have NO CHOICE but to let me write a book and be a famous author!"...and it's worked. (Well, sort of, the next person down the line inevitably cancels THEM once they do succeed.)

But on the positive side...It's Over! You no longer have to walk on eggshells about the woke in writing circles. They're going to cancel you no matter what you do, so don't even bother pandering to them, don't bother courting the woke or poking the woke bear. You're going to be cancelled no matter what you do, so just write what you want to write so at least when the bell inevitably tolls for thee, you can hold your head high and say at least YOU'RE proud of what you wrote.

[–]KaijuJayTheSecond[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

As crazy as all that sounds, I can definitely believe that all that is possible. I plan on going cold turkey on any social media that could show me any cancellation that may or may not happen. And research any publisher I go with for the books I want traditionally published. Much as I love to doomscroll these topics an ungodly "I need to touch grass" amount, I still hope it isn't true.

[–]LyingSpirit472 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Honestly, I wish it wasn't too, but YA novels were basically patient zero for wokesters taking over, and everything I mentioned actually did happen (there were examples of beta readers who were told to make sure it was properly respectful backstabbing writers by being the first to complain about their product and keeping stuff back so they could and getting it pulped...while also "the second those beta readers got THEIR book published, other people complained about it out of jealousy/revenge.") It's been said by some it's so insidious nothing but memoir will be allowed soon...and even that is likely "your experiences aren't the same as mine. WITCH! THEY'RE A WITCH! BURN THE WITCH!"

Since YA and fantasy are very similar crowds for writing, that is a big issue.