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[–]LyingSpirit472 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Even beyond action/action-comedy, the bigger thing that needed to be learned is the same refrain: It's not ABOUT identity or not, it's about "Is this movie good, or is it shit?" It's like the Buffy the Vampire Slayer example we talked about yesterday here- fans are happy to support franchises with women/minority leads, they'd be happy to support progressive/"woke" media... AS LONG AS THE PRODUCT IS GOOD. Moviegoers just don't want to spend 100 bucks and 2 hours of their life they'll never get back to see a movie they know is shit, and the "shame moviegoers into the theater to see a bad movie" method only works once and they pulled it on Ghostbusters 2016, and now it'll never work again.

There's been enough successful "woke" movies that were also GOOD movies to show the answer is "Make GOOD MOVIES with diverse casts and people will see them", not "make woke movies and hope people will pay 100 bucks to spend two hours baaing at a sheep that looks like them or wants to have sex with things they want to have sex with."