

Wanderingthehalls 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

I have a strong fear that JMS is as woke as fuck. He was co-writer of Sense8 alongside the Wachowski 'sisters.' A show that introduces proud lesbian and transwoman, Nomi Marks, by first showing her bottoming for her girlfriend Amanita wearing a pride flag strap on, then remembering how she fell in love with Amanita when Amanita defended her from a mean lesbian who called her a colonising man. The show makes Nomi a woman in every way it can, like having the 8 sensates be four men, three women and Nomi yet Nomi has many, many monologues about her transness, including the speech she makes at her sister's wedding, which her parents didn't want her at as they knew she'd make it all about herself. (Though Freema Agyman does sport bi flag coloured dreads, making me wonder if someone in the costume department was making a point about her not actually being a lesbian if she's into Nomi.)

While the whole existence of Nomi in the show was almost certainly some kind of Wachowski fantasy/activism at play, Straczynski absolutely went along with it. Straczynski has also said that Delenn's transformation to part human is a transitioning allegory and that she was initially supposed to be a more male character, as seen in the pilot, who then becomes unambiguously female. He wanted to portray Delenn as trans and suggestss he only couldn't cast a transwoman in the part because of the early 90s tv execs. I don't know if he is being honest about if that was then his intention or just jumping on a bandwagon that has garnered him huge praise through Sense8. If he really did want to have a transwoman character star in his show back in the 90s and show Delenn's journey, which was deeply noble in the show, as a trans allegory, then I'd question his motive. As now it's a bandwagon for woke men, if he really wanted to show transing as deep and noble in the early 90s, I'd suspect he may have AGP leanings himself, tbh. (It actually makes me a little squeamish now to think about the, played for laughs, scene in which Delenn asks Ivanova about her cramps.)

ClassroomPast6178 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

Ahh fuck!

Wanderingthehalls 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

And I've just looked a bit more into JMS and he's the one who wrote "Loki: Mistress of Mischief." So he really does seem to have an interest in writing men turning into women. I dread to imagine what his new Babylon 5 will be like. Hopefully Discovery will kill it deader than the Batgirl movie. (If they will do to the CW, what they are doing to HBO.) I fucking lived for Babylon 5 when I was a teenager. I no longer consider it the best tv show ever and can see how ropey parts of it were, but I never have and probably never will love a tv show like I loved B5. But I side-eye Mr Staczynski now and really, really don't want him to re-do it because I think it would be a disaster.

ClassroomPast6178 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

Hopefully Zaslav will kill it in the womb, then. Be a real shame to watch them do to it what they did to Star Trek and Londo et al deserve better than the treatment Picard got.

The humiliation of Picard, that Patrick Stewart gleefully participated in, is one of the most tragic things to come out of Woke Hollywood, alongside the assassination of Han Solo, the emasculation of Obi-Wan and the total character destruction of Luke Skywalker and all his achievements. True crimes against the culture.

I really hope Sam Harris’ prediction comes true, that we have another five years of this before it goes the way of all cultural madnesses (Satanic panic etc).