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[–]lunarstrain 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

As a concept, I don't like it.

I think it's stupid and medically irresponsible, we already know the detriment caused to people exposed to opposite sex hormones through PCOS and intersex conditions. Hell, even the women who doped up with anabolic steroids in the past showed similar, albeit more plentiful health issues. That's not even talking about the genital surgery which they have enough data on to know there's a high complication rate. Calling it "experimental science" is just a cover for malpractice and both pro- and anti- sides are guilty of this.

The social elements are incredibly grating and repugnant to me. I'd handle it better if I could treat it like a religion and not have to follow their rules when they're not present, but they've concocted such a sob story that people genuinely believe I'm enacting violence by not playing along when they're not even there to witness. This has actually been a driving factor in me learning a gendered language because you fundamentally cannot squeeze any of the nonbinary horse shit in.

The people from my experience have been mostly insufferable but there have been some that were genuinely nice people and that toys with my emotions and sense of guilt. I hate feeling resentment towards them because of their choices, it's like it'd almost be better if they were all assholes.

Ultimately if it is a real psychological condition, I wish the medical industry would stop milking them of all their money and actually treat the root cause.