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[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That's the basic thrust of the article- how the political left's embrace of transgenderism is bad for women. I wouldn't say it's just the far left. Transgenderism has leached into the bland, vague leftism that we've come to just assume is a prerequisite for employability in "developed" countries. Corporations don't just stop at "LGB" when they genuflect before the altar of Pride Month, anymore.

My larger point was that the part about the political right (brief mention of Roe v. Wade) seems tacked on, and insufficient to justify the article's title. It's kind of like, we're supposed to already know that the political right doesn't care about women, and NYT is careful to make sure that part's still mentioned in passing. I mean, they'd hate to be mistaken for Republicans.

I suspect an editor asked for that part to be added to the article (and the authors of news articles seldom have input into headlines anyway).